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Build iPad, iPhone & OS X games for SpriteKit in Swift
First Section
01. Introduction to Swift (1:28)
02. How to get good at anything (5:17)
03. Talking about variables (7:53)
04. Adding variables and talking about converting variables (6:16)
05. Introduction to arrays (5:40)
06. If Statements (12:08)
07. Else if statements (6:23)
08. Functions introduction (3:48)
Build a space shooter for iPad
01. Introdution to the course (0:49)
02. Intro to the project (0:42)
03. Starting the game and adding in the initial functions (16:51)
04. Setting up the spawning logic (18:17)
05. Setting up the collision logic (13:56)
06. Adding in more collision logic (7:00)
07. Spawning an explosion (9:05)
08. Setting up the TitlePage (17:21)
09. Making the art in illustrator (15:04)
10. Importing the art to the Project (5:19)
11. Finishing up the project (4:22)
12. Challenge - Expand upon the game by making more objects (1:44)
Build an Avoid Spikes game for iPad
01. Introduction to the game (2:02)
02. Game Preview (0:55)
03. Starting up the game (6:30)
04. Setting up the player controls (5:07)
05. Adding in the labels (5:47)
06. Adding in the spike spawn timer (2:22)
07. Adding in the spikes (4:53)
08. Adding in the ground (3:31)
09. Hiding the label (2:32)
10. Adding in the physics bodies (6:31)
11. Setting up the game over logic (7:55)
12. Setting up the titleScene part 1 (8:49)
13. Setting up the TitleScene part 2 (6:23)
14. Setting up the gamescen transition (4:12)
15. Setting up the score counter (3:35)
16. Making and exporting the art (6:26)
17. Challenge - Add in another sprite that will fall down (1:05)
Place the correct block for iPhone
01. Game preview 1 (1:28)
02. Game Preview 2 (5:32)
03. Setting up the game objects (6:56)
04. Setting up the first timer (5:56)
05. Adding in the other timers (9:33)
06. Testing the app and setting up placing logic (6:26)
07. Adding in a random touch location (4:16)
08. Changing the block color (2:33)
09. Adding the collecting node logic (4:40)
10. Adding in game over logic (6:44)
11. Making Tech circles (6:19)
12. Exporting the colors (5:04)
13. Adding in rotation to the game (1:59)
Make a space shooter for OSX
01. Starting up the game (0:54)
02. Starting the project (8:57)
03. Spawning the game objects (22:28)
04. Setting up the spawning of the projectile (13:36)
05. Adding the projectile Collision (8:41)
06. Setting up the other collisions (6:33)
07. Setting up the title (16:13)
08. Setting up the explosion (7:32)
09. Fixinging some minor bugs (2:00)
10. Making the art in illustrator (8:27)
11. Exporting the app (7:28)
12. Optimising the art and the titlepage (7:18)
11. Exporting the app
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