Welcome and What We Will Be Covering [What This Course is All About!]

Hello and welcome to the SQL Freedom Course with FlySpeed Query Tool! My name is Sanjeev, and I am thrilled that you have decide to take this journey to ‘sql freedom’ along with me!

This is a course I’ve specifically designed for people like you who want to dive deep into the elements of working with their data without having to worry about sql’s syntax or any of its technicalities!

We will use a windows-based application called Flyspeed Query Tool for creating all of our sql queries .

You are soon going to discover that Flyspeed is filled with amazing drag n drop tools for creating multi-table joins, filtering tables visually and has features where you can create very complex queries without writing a single line of sql.

Using a visual query builder tool like Flyspeed, you can ask your data source an incredible variety of complex questions and make your data more meaningful to you and your audience.

In the coming lessons, we will cover many aspects of working with flyspeed‘s query building features.

You’ll learn how to connect to a relational database, query data from any table, quickly join multiple tables together to get a more comprehensive look at your data, filter tables easily based on various conditions , perform complex text based searches on your data, easily group and summarize data to get even more insights and also how to use the results of an existing query as a data source in another query.

And the best part is, you can do it all quickly,easily without the need to know sql or write a single line of sql code.

Of course, none of this matters if you can’t reproduce your results in your database of choice.

So whether your data source is a simple csv file you have downloaded or is one of the popular database management systems like MySQL, sqlite or postgres sql, with flyspeed you can easily connect with all the popular databases engines in the market today.

So, with all kinds of cool tools and techniques to explore, are you excited? I am!

So let’s jump in and start exploring the world of no code sql using the flyspeed query tool.

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