Instant Public Speaking Master Class

Learn Game-Changing Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills

What's Inside

What's a lightning fast way to make instant connections, grow your social capital & network like a boss?

Simply Put: Public Speaking

It's the rock-solid foundation for every single person on this planet. Social skills, emotional intelligence & people skills all stem from being a masterful speaker.

Steve Jobs owned every single conversation, presentation, and product-launch that he was a part of. His public speaking skills set him apart from the rest. He would go on to be quoted as saying: "Musicians play their music, I play the orchestra." As an amazing speaker, Steve Jobs conducted the audience like an orchestra through captivating speeches and conversations around the world. Now, with the aid of this course, you can too.

One of the world's most successful billionaires (an introvert) Warren Buffet let us in on one of his greatest secret weapons: He said the public speaking course became his most important degree.

Notice his advice here: "You’ve got to be able to communicate in life and it’s enormously important. Schools, to some extent, under emphasize that. If you can’t communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas, you’re giving up your potential.”

How will this speaking master-class change your life?

  • Always know just what to say & how to say it
  • Research any topic like a boss
  • Organized thinking-power
  • Hyper-speed past competition (for a great speaker there’s not much)
  • Become more visible & memorable in both your organization & life
  • Create a simple, no-brainer strategy to cope with your fear of public speaking
  • Represent yourself, your team or anyone under your sphere of influence as powerful & on-their-game
  • Your name comes up more & more in your community of business professionals
  • Stop feeling sleazy about selling with this one presentation secret
  • Manage & Lead With Your Own Voice of Authority
  • Nourish Reciprocal Respect With Everyone

Public speaking is art and science at the same time

  • Become a better listener (a lost art)
  • Voice your ideas & take advantage of the influence you have
  • Improved memory
  • Get people's attention
  • Tap into everyone's imaginations, desires and concerns (& everything in between)
  • Improved job interviewing skills
  • Be a better conversationalist
  • Better speakers are better social media masters
  • Improve your personality
  • A foundation for healthy inner self-strength
  • Stand-Out in Your Own Work/Marketplace
  • Every time you speak in public, it increases your self-confidence
  • Emotional intelligence rocket-fuel
  • Develop an individualistic style
  • rock the best best-man speech EVER
  • Harness the hidden leader both in you & others
  • Get ahead at work
  • Heightened People Skills & Social Intelligence
  • Own Your Inner Sense of Self-Worth
  • Inspire the Best in People
  • Punch Fear in The FACE!

Begin your presentation with a win & close with a bang

  • Build a fan base of followers, supporters or simply a boss who wants to promote you sooner
  • One of the best ways to generate sales (or get a better job)
  • One of the most effective ways to get your message across
  • At some point in your life you will need to do it (even if its just a family pep-talk)
  • Skills learned will boost your performance in other areas of life (leadership, communication, ability to read & understand people)
  • Public speaking allows you to improve upon your knowledge
  • Developing courage
  • Change people's minds about something
  • Make each person feel like it's only them you're talking to out of everyone, ‘like your talking right at me’ they’ll say.
  • Learn to persuade
  • Makes you more promotable

All of this through brilliant public speaking

  • Gain greater clarity in your message by figuring out what you want to say
  • Connect with people (people “buy” people) sell us on the best ‘you’ there is
  • Drive change
  • Public speaking helps you to know yourself better
  • Learn big picture thinking (become a big picture thinker)
  • Memorable, the go-to person on that topic or idea
  • Changing hearts & minds for the good of a mission or objective
  • Build trust through your style & words
  • Networking will explode (keynote any event)
  • Become a buzz both offline and on
  • Will help form a tribe of supporters around you
  • The audience becomes aware of who you are
  • Become more comfortable around people (since you just rocked a stage of hundreds)
  • Reach a large audience in a shorter time than having individual conversations
  • Show how much you know about a subject (without anyone being able to skip pages or click out)

Here are some extra's you'll gain from this unforgettable journey:

  • Deliver unforgettable stories with these 10 essential ingredients
  • Organize your presentation with an easy, memory recall strategy
  • Use words that are worth a thousand pictures
  • Create a simple, no-brainer strategy to cope with your fear of public speaking
  • Manage & Lead With Your Own Voice of Authority
  • Develop your presentation skills so that you persuade and motivate your audience
  • Find Just What to Say & How to Say it
  • Give your audience real value
  • Adapt your presentation on the fly
  • Stop feeling sleazy about selling with this one presentation secret
  • Begin your presentation with a win & close with a bang
  • Punch Fear in The FACE!

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
53142+ Students
37 Lectures
4+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Desmond Byram

Desmond Byram is an author, speech-versationalist & recovering perfectionist who spells badly.

He loves saying: "words are worth a thousand pictures, so paint with your voice."

If you can’t find him in cooking classes, salsa lessons or surfing on the weekend then there’s a good chance he’s practicing his favorite art at a speaker's podium.

His dad let him join his first speaking school at age 11.

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