6.0 App Challenge - Build a Word Magnets app from Scratch

Design a multitouch app that uses the Pan Gesture to move text labels around the screen.

iPhone meets Magnetic Poetry.

Add Features

  1. Add custom words in-app (UITextField user input)
  2. Hide the keyboard after typing a word and pressing Return
  3. Add buttons to change text or background colors
  4. Add images with UIImageView
  5. Advanced: Throw the labels using physics animations and the velocity of your finger.

Show the App to a Friend

See if your friends or family have ideas for cool features.

Solutions and Screenshots

Share your code or screenshots from your Word Magnets app.


  1. Did you pick a theme for your word list?
  2. What phrases did you make?


Magnetic Poetry: http://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Poetry-3000-Origina...

Complete and Continue