
In this course you can take advantage of daily lessons, which provide short videos for you to follow along. You can learn at your own pace, which could be 2 days per week or you can accelerate your learning to 5 days a week.

This course is interactive, ask questions, answer questions, and learn from each other.

1. Introduce yourself on the forum

2. Email [email protected] any questions.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Be able to read and write Swift code
  2. Be able to design user interfaces using Storyboard files
  3. Understand programming topics

Living Syllabus

The schedule of topics is subject to change based on feedback from students. Additional topics will be covered through the Code Exercises and App Challenges to compliment the daily lessons.

  1. Course Basics and Overview
  2. Xcode 101
    1. Using Xcode
    2. iPhone App
      1. Project structure
      2. Flow of an iPhone app (AppDelegate, ViewController, Storyboard)
    3. Trouble shooting common errors
      1. Add/remove a connection
      2. Crashing
      3. Typos
    4. Playgrounds vs. iPhone app projects
  3. User Interface Design
  4. Variables
    1. Types (Type Inferencing)
    2. var and let
    3. Numbers
    4. String
  5. Control Flow
    1. Conditionals - if/else logic
    2. Optionals
    3. Loops
  6. Functions
  7. Numbers
  8. Structures
  9. Memory
    1. The Heap
    2. ARC
  10. Objects
  11. Collections (Array, Dictionary)
  12. Documentation
  13. Custom Objects
    1. Inheritance
    2. Object Ownership
  14. Properties and variables
  15. User Interface Design
  16. Auto Layout + Sizing Classes
  17. iPhone App Basics

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