From 0 to 1: Learn Python Programming - Easy as Pie

What's Inside

What's Covered:

  • Introductory Python: Functional language constructs; Python syntax; Lists, dictionaries, functions and function objects; Lambda functions; iterators, exceptions and file-handling
  • Database operations: Just as much database knowledge as you need to do data manipulation in Python
  • Auto-generating spreadsheets: Kill the drudgery of reporting tasks with xlsxwriter; automated reports that combine database operations with spreadsheet auto-generation
  • Text processing and NLP: Python’s powerful tools for text processing - nltk and others.
  • Website scraping using Beautiful Soup: Scrapers for the New York Times and Washington Post
  • Machine Learning : Use sk-learn to apply machine learning techniques like KMeans clustering
  • Hundreds of lines of code with hundreds of lines of comments
  • Drill #1: Download a zip file from the National Stock Exchange of India; unzip and process to find the 3 most actively traded securities for the day
  • Drill #2: Store stock-exchange time-series data for 3 years in a database. On-demand, generate a report with a time-series for a given stock ticker
  • Drill #3: Scrape a news article URL and auto-summarize into 3 sentences
  • Drill #4: Scrape newspapers and a blog and apply several machine learning techniques - classification and clustering to these

Talk to us!

A Note on the Python versions 2 and 3: The code-alongs in this class all use Python 2.7. Source code (with copious amounts of comments) is attached as a resource with all the code-alongs. The source code has been provided for both Python 2 and Python 3 wherever possible.

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Janani Ravi

Loonycorn is comprised of a couple of individuals —Janani Ravi and Vitthal Srinivasan—who have honed their tech expertises at Google and Stanford. The team believes it has distilled the instruction of complicated tech concepts into funny, practical, engaging courses, and is excited to be sharing its content with eager students.

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