MATLAB Programming and Problem Solving: Go from Beginner to Pro

Essential MATLAB Tutorial that will take you from beginner to advance level

What's Inside

Basic Course Description

MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language which is frequenlty being used by engineering and science students. In this course, we will start learning MATLAB from a beginner level, and will gradually move into more technical and advnace topics. This course is designed to be general in scope which means that it will be beneficial to students in any major. Once, passed a certain learning thresholds, you will definately enjoy MATLAB Programming. The key benefit of MATLAB is that it makes the programming available to everyone and is very fast to turn ideas into working products compared to some of the conventional programming languages such as Java, C, C++, visual basic and others.

Below is the detailed outline of this course.

Segment 1.0: Instructor and Course Introduction

Segment 2.0: Handling variables and Creating Scripts

Segment 3.0: Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB

Segment 4.0: Operations on Matrices

Segment 5.0: Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type

Segment 6.0: Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics

Segment 7.0: Importing Data into MATLAB

Segment 8.0: MATLAB Programming

Segment 9.0: Making your own Functions

Segment 10: Sharing Your MATLAB Results

Your Benefits and Advantages:

  • If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!
  • You will be sure of receiving quality contents since the instructors has already four courses in the MATLAB niche which are ranked in the top 10 courses in the MATLAB niche.
  • You have lifetime access to the course.
  • You have instant and free access to any updates i add to the course.
  • You have access to all Questions and discussions initiated by other students.
  • You will receive my support regarding any issues related to the course.
  • Check out the curriculum and Freely available lectures for a quick insight.

What are the requirements?

  • The students must install MATLAB on their computers
  • The course is self explainatory and do not need any prior knowledge of MATLAB.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • You are able to confidently use MATLAB for problem solving
  • You are able to run scripts, write code and do data analysis and visualization
  • You are able to solve equations, do math operations and manipulate matrices in different ways
  • You are able to formulate your own logic and convert complex problems into MATLAB code and solve them using programming skills

What is the target audience?

  • Researchers, Entrepreneurs, Instructors, College Students, Engineers, Programmers, Simulators who wants to quickly create front ends for their users to run their code and projects ___________________________________________________________________________

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Best Regrads,

Dr. Nouman Azam

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
50094+ Students
92 Lectures
7+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Nouman Azam

I am Dr. Nouman Azam and i am Assistant Professor in Computer Science. I teach online courses related to MATLAB Programming and have over 10,000 students on different online plateforms.

The focus in these courses is to explain different aspects of MATLAB and how to use them effectively in routine daily life activities. In my courses, you will find topics such as MATLAB programming, designing gui's, data analysis and visualization.

Machine learning techinques using MATLAB is one of my favourate topic. During my research career i explore the use of MATLAB in implementing machine learning techniques such as bioinformatics, text summarization, text categorization, email filtering, malware analysis, recommender systems and medical decision making.

Email: [email protected]

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