How to Be Productive: 7 Easy Steps to Master Productivity Hacks, Productive Habits & Work Efficiency

What's Inside

Do you find that your bad habits are getting in the way of your work? Or that you simply can’t maintain a clean workspace? Do you question every day why you just can’t get your work done? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time to reevaluate the way you work.

Productivity is something that affects us all. We tend to associate being productive with our work lives, but it has a clear effect on everything that we do. Being more productive allows us to be better workers, leaders, parents, and friends. Once you regain control over your negative work habits, you will not only work better but live better!

“How to Be Productive” uses a strategic, personal approach to help you to get more done in a way that is meaningful to you. This 7-step guide will teach you how to tackle your productivity in a logical and effective manner- one that will differ from person to person.

These 7 steps won't just teach you how to be productive in a work setting, but rather, all the places in which you can implement this knowledge. Learn how to build a strong productivity foundation and apply it to all your goals. Before you know it, you will be productive in everything that you do.


  • How to be strategic with your approach.
  • How to establish and maintain productive habits.
  • To utilize the technology around us.
  • The role mental and physical health plays in our productivity.
  • To create personal accountability.
  • The uses of awards and delayed gratification.
  • Productivity tools outside of work.

What is stopping you? Why are you stuck in our old ways? Learn how to rid yourself of the doubts, fears, and anxieties that are holding you back, as well as all the ways you've been working wrong. Take matters into your own hands and be the best possible version of yourself that you can be!

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47529+ Students
9 Lectures
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Miles Toole

Miles Toole is the teacher of the "Personal Productivity" course series. He was formerly a literary agent with Curtis Black Ltd. and writes a popular blog on Personal Productivity. Toole turned to teaching several years ago to fulfil his life dream of educating students on the topic of Personal Productivity. He lives in New York City.

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