A 16-Hour C# Course with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

Effectively & Efficiently Build C# Apps with This Handy Programming Environment

What's Inside

How’s this for a 2-for-1 deal? You’ll learn the basics of the C# language and master use of the Microsoft Visual Studio programming environment. Not only will you add a valuable technical skill set to your repertoire, but you’ll also easily navigate a platform to build and deploy your apps by course’s end.

  • Master C# basics & Microsoft Visual Studio w/ 17 hours of content
  • Configure the layout of Visual Studio, define variables, interact w/ users, etc.
  • Understand data types, data conversions & constants
  • Check simple conditions w/ if/else blocks
  • Utilize operators to evaluate & assign control structures
  • Fully master the principles of object-oriented programming

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
2966+ Students
114 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Tom Owsiak
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