Super Memory Essentials: Develop A Perfect Memory

Super Memory Secrets To Recall Names, Dates, Facts And Figures, Ace Exams Faster Than Ever With A Perfect Memory!

What's Inside

This is the course I wish I had 30 years ago...


You're probably reading this because you want to see if it's possible to hone your memory skills to the point that you never forget an important piece of information again. A name. A face. A birthday. An anniversary. The atomic number of Plutonium...

Actually, you know it can be done, because some lucky people can do it. You may even know some of them...The question is, how do they do it, and can you learn to do it too?

When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I had to sit a total of 13 professional exams. I bluffed my way through most of them...I say bluffed, but I was actually pretty good at my job, so I knew the answers intuitively...but there was one exam that was a problem. A BIG problem: Contract law. You see, the thing is, with a contract law exam, there's no bluffing your way through it. You may understand the basics, but you can't guess the names of the parties, or when the law was passed...and to pass the exam, you had to be able to cite case law. Lots and lots of case law. There's no way around it.

I failed the exam (spectacularly)...twice. It seemed the harder I studied (and we're talking a lot of hours here) the worse my memory became. I learned one new thing, and forgot two old things. I asked my law professor how he knew so many cases, and he said he'd been a practicing solicitor for 30 years, and it comes with experience...but I hadn't got experience...or 30 years!

I was in trouble, so I did the thing that most young men do when faced with such a monumental issue in life...I sat on the couch, and put the television on...

It was a Saturday night, I remember it clearly. There was a show called "Monkhouse's Memory Masters", hosted by Bob was a game show, where regular members of the public were "trained" to develop perfect memories. And these guys were recalling hundreds and hundreds of facts...impressive. But more impressive to me was that they learned how to do this in a matter of hours! yes, HOURS!

I gleaned what I could from the clips in the show, and then spent every penny I had in the local book store buying and devouring every book in print on how to develop these super-human feats of recall. I thought it must be something new and revolutionary...but it turns out these systems have been around since the Greeks! So why wasn't everyone doing this?

It's now 30 years on, and I still have the same question.

The truth is, ANYONE can learn these systems, and train their memory to become almost perfect. Not just for an exam you're taking next week, but store the information forever...

And that is precisely what you will learn in this course. In just a few hours, you will be able to memorise anything...perfectly. To get you started, in this course you will master:

  1. How to encode information, so it can be recalled instantly...ALWAYS!
  2. How to memorize foreign languages!
  3. How to memorize the US state capitals
  4. How to memorize the European capitals
  5. How to memorize ancient Greek and Roman Mythology
  6. How to memorize names and faces
  7. How to memorize numbers and dates
  8. How to memorize the planets (in order)
  9. How to memorize wedding anniversaries & birthdays
  10. How to memorize the 10 Commandments
  11. How to memorize collective nouns
  12. How to memorize the names of phobias

...does that sound like a good use of a few hours of your life?

If so, taking THIS course could be the best decision you ever made. It literally could change your life. It did mine.

See you in the course...


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Alan Jarvis

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Hi, my name is Alan, and I have almost thirty years of experience in teaching various subjects and have held senior management positions at several blue chip and Times Top 100 companies. I now specialise in consultancy, interim work and teaching here on-line.

My love for Excel began soon after the program was released. Back then, we really only used it for typing tables in our production planning department. If you can believe it, I was taught to then calculate with a calculator and TYPE the answers into'd be surprised how many people I meet who still do this.

There were two turning points for me in my journey. The first was a chance conversation with one of our accountants when I was complaining how slow it was to keep having to flip between worksheets to see different bits of data. He introduced me to VLookups and a new world of possibilities opened up for me...

...I found that I need never have huge paper accountancy pads (remember those?) and a calculator to produce a production plan again! Suddenly, I could produce my plan in 15 minutes, rather than the day and a half it used to take. I began delving into other features of Excel, and finding ways to incorporate them into the planning "system" I had created, and remember this was back in the day when the internet hadn't been invented :)

Through trial and error, I refined my Workbook until I could chomp through days of work in seconds, and what's more, using these powerful features of Excel, I could optimise our production runs to get more output from the same working week, something that had never been done before. Promotion soon followed, and I became the "go to guy" for anything Excel related. That was the 90's.

Then, in manufacturing, came the MRP revolution. We had an army of programmers developing a system for us. This was my second turning point. I was awestruck with coders. The skill they had, and how clever they were, and that they were smart enough to go to university in the first place. I wasn't like that. I had no formal education beyond primary and secondary school, but a really cool programmer named Mark let me into a secret...

He said "If you can describe, step by step, how to cross the road without getting killed, you can be a programmer". I recorded my first macro, and took a peek under the hood. I deconstructed the VBA code, and played with it until I understood what everything did. Then I changed it to make it do what I needed it to do.

Since then, I have developed accountancy systems, simple planning systems, full blown MRP systems and scores of stand alone "helper" systems to simplify and speed up work in almost every department in every company I have ever worked in. Some of the solutions I created 20 years ago are still being used today.

If you doubt the power of Excel, it may surprise you to learn that you can run the procurement and material control of a £1.3b (yes, billion) company with an Excel file with a bit of coding behind it. This is a skill that people will pay highly for.

Not everyone wants to go that far, so over the years I have taught people to create efficient solutions for themselves, either with or without coding. Those who took the time to learn have since had multiple promotions, or have started their own businesses! At the very least, they are getting more work done in less time with less headaches :)

If you are a complete beginner, just want to polish up your skills, or want to create sophisticated super efficient solutions for your business or personal life, my series of courses will help you achieve that. All you need is a little time, and a willingness to learn...I'm looking forward to working with you.


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