The Complete Objective-C Guide for IOS 8 and Xcode 6

Finally Build That iPhone App You've Been Thinking About After This Introduction to iOS Coding

What's Inside

Are you an iPhone user with a great app idea but no programming experience? Well, it's time to cut out the middle man and just build it yourself! This course will give you all the instruction you need to start building iPhone and iPad apps for iOS 8, and the foundations to adapt your skills to later and future operating systems. Start making money by building apps today!

  • Access 92 lectures & 11 hours of instruction
  • Learn XCode, the core framework of Apple mobile development
  • Understand Interface Builder, Simulator & Project Types
  • Get to know the language Objective-C & use it to create full apps
  • Integrate your app w/ social media features, including Facebook, Twitter, SMS & more
  • Incorporate ad revenue networks & learn how to upload & update through the App Store
  • Learn all the objects, actions & outlets available in iOS development

Course Curriculum

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63+ Students
93 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
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Aaron Caines

Aaron Caines is the founder of Geeky Lemon Development, he started programming at a young age and has been programming full time and teaching for the past 8 Years online becoming a best seller in his field, Aaron has also created a vast amount of applications for brands, companies and just for fun!

Aaron is very passionate about teaching and coding, he finds great satisfaction from helping developers and providing the very best tool set to help them reach their goals.

Aaron's expertise come in Photoshop, Xcode, Objective-C and Swift 4.

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