Automate Applications with SpecFlow and Selenium WebDriver in C#

BDD with SpecFlow (based on Gherkin) and Selenium WebDriver with C# + Intro to UnitTesting and TDD with TestStack.White

What's Inside

This course is all about growing object-oriented software guided by tests.

SpecFlow is a framework which brings Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) into life. It is all about filling the gap between technical people and domain experts. SpecFlow is based of a Gherkin language which is very close to natural (though, it is formalized). So, non-technical people can write executable documentation on their own.

Selenium is a framework which allows to drive browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc.). In other words, with the power of Selenium, you can write a program which automatically interacts with elements on a web page.

TestStack.White (sometimes, written as "teststack white") is a framework which allows to drive WinForms and WPF applications.

This course covers:

  • Theoretical background behind different types of testing (unit, integration, and acceptance testing)
  • SpecFlow: generating steps, run and debug tests, passing parameters, scenario outline, data table, converting parameters, converting data table, custom conversions, sharing data, categorizing tests, scoped execution, hooks and other features
  • Selenium WebDriver: Locators, XPath Locators, CSS Locators, Interacting with all the types of Elements, Timeouts: Explicit and Implicit, Locators Priority, Picking Scenarios to Test, "Page Object" design pattern, Page Object Factory, uploading files
  • Scraping a Live Web Site with Selenium WebDriver
  • Selenium Extras: managing a web browser
  • TestStack.White and Building a WPF App by TDD (with MVVM)
  • Appendixes: intro to Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development

Course Curriculum

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Elias Fofanov

I'm thankful enough for that I love what I do.

I began my career as a postgraduate student participating in Microsoft ImagineCup contest.

I've been working with .NET platform since 2003. I've been professionally architecting and implementing software for nearly 10 years, primarily based on .NET platform. I'm passionate about building rich and powerful applications using modern technologies. I'm a certified specialist in Windows Applications and Service Communication Applications by Microsoft. I'm one of the coordinators of MskDotNet User Group in Moscow.

"If it's work, we try to do less. If it's art, we try to do more." - Seth Godin.

What I can say is that software is my art.

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