Guitar Lessons for the Curious Guitarist

Complete guitar course. 30+ hours. Strumming, chords, soloing, guitar theory, technique. Beginner to expert.

What's Inside

Course Stats:

  • 30+ hours on-demand video
  • 54 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access

Welcome to Guitar Lessons for the Curious Guitarist! This is a complete guitar lessons course for all levels - beginner to advanced. These lessons start at the very beginning, assuming that you don't know anything about guitar.

Any kind of six-string guitar will work well for this course - electric, acoustic, or classical guitar.

Throughout this course, we'll focus mainly on these guitar fundamentals:

Chords - Including open & barre chords in multiple positions, relative (scale chords), extended, altered, naming, & more.

Rhythm - Including reading, writing, counting, strumming, picking, tapping, timing, and all things rhythm guitar.

Arpeggios - From basic major & minor to extended & altered, some include multiple redundant positions for better guitar mastery so you can easily solo using arpeggios over every chord.

Scales & Modes - Including major & minor pentatonics, major & minor scales, all 7 relative modes, full-fretboard soloing, & other exotic scales.

Other - Including techniques, reading standard music notation, blues guitar, dyads, ear training, and more!

The JAM ALONG section includes 10 videos, each with a PDF, of live-recorded jam along guitar loops for you to use while you practice soloing. The keys and scales are clearly marked & charted out on the whiteboard (and the PDF attachments) so you'll know exactly what to play!

The JAM TRACKS section includes 6 videos of backing music each set to the standard modal chord structures. These are for you to practice soloing the modes. Additionally, on the video screen there is a tab diagram of the mode for each video.

The BONUS LESSONS section is for your continuing guitar education. Here, you'll find updates & many more lessons that are continually added to this course.

Every lesson video page has a PDF attachment, which can be downloaded, saved, and printed. These PDFs are the tabs, chords, rhythms, songs, and guitar lessons.

I've been teaching guitarists for over 30 years. I know the pitfalls, issues, questions, and confusions that you're likely to have while learning.

If you want to be an awesome guitarist, this course will help you get there.

  • This guitar course is for all levels - including complete beginners.
  • You only need a guitar - any kind of guitar with six strings.

This course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn the guitar.
  • Complete beginners.
  • Advanced guitar players who have fallen into a rut.
  • Intermediate guitar players.
  • Confused guitar students. (This course will clear everything up for you.)
  • Advanced guitarists needing more complex guitar theory.

What you'll learn:

  • Detailed guitar lessons.
  • Read & write music with TAB or standard notation.
  • Solo & improvise over any song.
  • Learn every guitar chord.
  • Master rhythm & strumming.
  • Solo with arpeggios.
  • Comprehensive scales & modes lessons.
  • In-depth music theory.
  • Ear-training & pitch recognition.
  • Techniques like slides, pull-offs, harmonics, & tapping.
  • 10 guided jam along videos to practice soloing.
  • 6 jam track videos to practice soloing.

I'm glad you're here! Let's begin.

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
20923+ Students
80 Lectures
30+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Dan Dresnok

I’m Dan Dresnok, your guitar teacher. I've been teaching guitar for over 30 years. I've taught thousands of students both online & in-person. I'm the author of the book The Curious Guitarist. I’ve worked as a performer, studio session guitarist, & group guitar clinic moderator. I specialize in jazz, blues, & rock guitar and music theory. 

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