Productivity Masterclass: How To Powerfully Get Things Done

Master This 4 Step Framework That's Given 1,000 People Two Years Worth of Productivity In As Little As 30 Days

What's Inside

In this course, I'll show you the 4 Step Productivity Framework you can use TODAY to get more done towards your goals in as little as 30 days than you have in the last 2 years.

Because if you’re tired of feeling stuck...

Tired of days, weeks and months going by without much changing...

Tired of being so busy but getting so little done…

I Made This Productivity Course For You.

After wondering why my family, friends and my students couldn't move towards their goals, I set out to find the answer.

I read 61 books on productivity or anything even remotely related, experimented with the techniques and boiled it ALL down into perhaps the most simple, straight to the point system you can use in your life today to get more DONE.

I'll show you how to make productivity not just something you do, but into who you are.

If you’re looking for complicated technological "hacks", "time management tricks" or "productivity apps", this course isn’t for you. I care about using simple, forgotten principles that anyone can use.

Here's a sample of what you'll learn inside:

1. What Leonardo Da Vinci's 16 Year Project Can Teach You About Productivity and Getting Things DONE [LECTURE 4]

2. How To Instantly Get Clear on Your Goal (& Purpose) So You Always Know What To Be Working On [LECTURE 14]

3. Why Working Quickly Can Sabotage Any Chance You Have of Being Productive (and what to do instead) [LECTURE 5]

4. The EXACT Daily Planner That Will At Least DOUBLE Your Productivity Every Day [LECTURE 24]

5. What Overhearing A Conversation In An Elevator Taught Me About How To Make Sure You Look Back At The End of Every Day With A List of Things You Got DONE [LECTURE 3]

6. 5 Questions You Can Ask Yourself Anytime To Prevent Yourself From Ever Going Off Track Again [LECTURE 16]

7. Why You Need To UNLEARN What You Know About Productivity and Time Management [LECTURE 2]

8. Why Creating "Fail-Proof" Plans Is Like Playing A Video Game (and how to create your own "Fail-Proof" Plans) [LECTURE 19]

9. What A Question About A Chicken Salad Has To Do With Working On What Matters [LECTURE 15]

And much, much more...

You'll also get access to three cheat sheets to take action on everything we cover in the course.

To master your productivity and time... and powerfully move towards your goals day after day, click the "buy now" button and I’ll see you inside the course.

To your success!

-Brandon Hakim

Course Curriculum

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832+ Students
34 Lectures
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Brandon Hakim

I'm On A Quest To Give You The Education You'll Never Get In School.

The things that the world's highest achievers spent their entire lives discovering, that no professor or teacher will ever tell you.

Because when I was in college, I was mad. I’d just read a book and everything inside was the opposite of what I was learning in all my classes.

So I ran into the dean’s office and said "I'm literally learning more from the books I get on Amazon for five bucks than these classes that cost thousands of dollars each!"

And all she had to tell me is...they're working on it!

So when I walked out that day, I swore I’d teach myself the things I should have learned in school. And I started reading LOTS of books….now over a thousand on everything from meditation to making money. And I realized ONE BIG THING…

Everyone who’s excelled in any area of life knew things we’re never taught in school.

They were Insiders.

They discovered the truth about finding their purpose and creating a perfect vision to work towards. Or about motivation and productivity, financial freedom, having authentic relationships, changing the world, persuading people, learning incredibly quickly or celebrating their hundredth birthday still in perfect health.

Meanwhile in college we didn’t learn any of this stuff. Instead we’re forced to pay tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to memorize facts so we could write them on a piece of paper.

So if you want to live a life miles beyond the “regular” life, you'll have to learn less from a classroom, and more from the people who have actually gotten the things you want.

And my goal is to condense tens of thousands of pages of reading in different subjects to help you become way more productive and make a lasting impact on the world.

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