Plotly Python API Visualizations

Comfortable using the Plotly Python API to build complex and visualizations

What's Inside

Plotly is an easy-to-use and highly accessible library in Python which allows even developers with just basic programming ability to get up and running with complex plots and graphs. Far easier to use than competing frameworks such as Matplotlib, Plotly is especially compelling because of how easy it is to build interactivity into your visualizations. Explore relationships in your data without in-depth programming knowledge, extract insights which can be used for further analysis on your data.

One unique feature that Plotly offers is the Plotly Cloud a platform that you can use to quickly share your graphs and plots. In addition, Plotly offers a variety of interesting charts out-of-the-box not available with other visualization libraries such as Gantt charts and Candlestick charts.

Here is what this course covers:

Offline and online plots: Work with plots on your local machine or share them using the Plotly Cloud

Basic charts: Build line charts, bar charts, histograms, pie charts and other basic visualizations

Time-series data: Work with time-series data using Candlestick charts

Bubble charts and maps: Visualize data in more than 2 dimensions using these charts

Funnel charts: Draw complex plots by hand-drawing shapes

3D plots: Scatter and surface plots in 3 dimensions

Gantt charts: Visualize tasks with start and complete times

Animations: Add motion to your graphs

This course is built around hands on demos, built to explicitly explain concepts underpinning each topic. Real-world datasets are used where applicable.

Software used: Python 3, Plotly Python APIs

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Janani Ravi

Loonycorn is comprised of a couple of individuals —Janani Ravi and Vitthal Srinivasan—who have honed their tech expertises at Google and Stanford. The team believes it has distilled the instruction of complicated tech concepts into funny, practical, engaging courses, and is excited to be sharing its content with eager students.

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