Learning SQL, MySQL & Databases Is Easy

Manipulate Data Like the Pros & Excel in the Technology Industry

What's Inside

Knowledge of SQL is an invaluable asset that can set you up for any tech-based career from web design to data analysis to quality assurance. Learn to store and manipulate data on multiple database systems from MySQL to Oracle for your own personal development, to start a new business, or to get a leg up on your coworker. You’ll be a competent database designer and query writer after watching these lectures.

  • Become a competent database designer & query writer w/ 57 lectures & 4 hours of content
  • Manipulate MySQL, SQL Server, Access, Oracle, Sybase, DB2 & other database systems w/ SQL
  • Master MySQL queries w/ an instructor that has managed databases at large companies
  • Advance your career w/ knowledge of databases
  • Add a valuable notch on your résumé when you complete the course

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Certificate Available
49523+ Students
57 Lectures
4+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Wil Tru

Wil Tru has built technology and marketing programs for Fortune 500 companies, top websites, and starts ups alike. He has over 10 years’ experience in business technology and marketing. He has worked in house and consulted for over 100 companies including AutoZone, Business(dot)com, AngiesList, CafePress, AutoAnything, WD40, Google, and Adobe.

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