How to Hack WiFi Networks for Beginners

Learn how to Hack WiFi Networks (WEP, WPA, WPA2).

What's Inside

This course is all about WiFi and the security of wireless networks. You will study the different threats, weaknesses and attack methods.

No special skills are required as the course covers everything from the very basics including the installation of Kali Linux.

The following topics will be covered during the course:

  • How Wireless Networks Work.
  • Important Settings to Change on Your Router.
  • How to Install Kali Linux in VMware Player.
  • Useful Linux Commands with Examples.
  • Perform a Denial of Service Attack and Find Hidden Wireless Networks.
  • How to Hack WiFi Networks (WEP, WPA, WPA2).
  • Use various tools like: Aircrack-ng, Wifite, Crunch, Cowpatty, Pyrit, Reaver…
  • How to Create an Evil Twin Access Point.

After completing this course you will be confident with breaking all types of WiFi encryption methods.

Get started now!

Certificate Available
51173+ Students
16 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Juravlea Nicolae

Hi! I'm Nicolae. I love computers and technology, particularly in the areas of wireless encryption protocols, web development, network security, and anonymity.

Worked on various projects involving web design, networking, web application security, and other technology-related subjects. Skills and software utilized include:

Network Security:

Aircrack-ng, Burp Suite, Kali Linux, Metasploit, Nmap, OWASP, Hydra, SQLmap, Web Application Security, Wi-Fi Security, Wireshark.

Web Development: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, SQL, Bootstrap, Photoshop, SEO, Ruby on Rails, Wordpress.

Programming: JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby.


I hope to contribute to a world where we value skills and relationships over careers and money, and where we're passionate about building and creating things in a self-motivated and self-directed way.

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