Audio Effects and Soundtracks in Unity 3D Games

What's Inside

Sound effects have the power to make or break your game, by either adding to the immersion or ruining it. Learn how to edit sound effects and add that little extra detail that will go a long way with this Unity Audio course.

Gameplay, storyline, graphics – they’re all things we judge whenever we play a game. However, we shouldn’t underestimate the power of sound in videogames. It’s such a powerful tool, yet easily dismissed. Sound plays a huge role in a game’s immersion – from hearing your own footsteps to the ones of your enemies’, you’ll want to give players’ the best experience they can have, and a lot can be accomplished by paying attention to details – sound effects being one of them! This course will guide you through the basics, so here’s what you’ll be learning:

  • Start from the beginning – Create a new Project and import the Assets included in the Course
  • Learn about the Inspector tab – learn how to extract information like colors, materials from an existing asset and use it on instances of that object in your game
  • Now that your scene is ready – learn about adding an Audio Source to your scene and about the Audio Listener property
  • Test how different actions use different sounds like footsteps/walking/running
  • Learn about the Audio Range and learn how to reduce/amplify it
  • Learn about 2D and 3D Sounds and about the Spatial Blend property to make your sounds more immersive
  • Learn to manipulate the volume so that sounds react to the player’s actions
  • Organize your objects so that you can easily update similar audio sources
  • Learn about adding variety to your scene by updating the Pitch property – write a script to randomly generate the value of the property
  • Audio Mixing – add multiple sounds to your game using the Audio Mixer and learn to mix them in a way that will emphasize the game while complimenting each other
  • Add Reverb Zones to your game – learn to adjust your sounds based on the environment
  • Learn about the Doppler Effect – and use it to add more realism to your game
  • Edit your sounds files – learn to use Audacity – a industry standard sound editor that is also FREE
  • Extra – Learn a lot of useful tips and tricks on how to use the Unity Editor interface!

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12 Lectures
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