Web Development Omnibus: jQuery, AngularJS and ReactJS

Master jQuery, AngularJs and ReactJs all in one course

What's Inside

This Web Development Omnibus covers three powerful and versatile Javascript frameworks

1. jQuery

2. Angular

3. React

Let's talk about each in detail


NOTE: This course uses jQuery 3.1.0 and jQuery UI 1.12.1

jQuery takes the most common operations that you would want to perform on your website and allows you to accomplish it in one line of code. Learn jQuery by example: from basic building blocks to developing your own custom plugins!

What's included in this course:

  • Installing and setting up a basic web server with jQuery and jQuery UI libraries
  • jQuery basics: Selectors, selector functions, mouse and key event handlers, CSS animations and styles, the animate() function, appending and editing DOM elements, Ajax requests
  • jQuery in-depth: Advanced selectors, event propagation, event capture and bubble phases, how animations work, custom animation queues and bypassing the queues, performance tips and tricks
  • jQuery plugins: Using custom plugins, developing a stateless plugin using the $.fn object, stateful plugins using the Widget Factory, jQuery UI components and the jQuery UI theme roller


NOTE: This course uses Angular version 1.5.8 and is not compatible with Angular 2

Angular JS is a complete re-imagination of how web applications should be built. It takes best practices, learnt the hard way, and makes them super simple for everyone to use. Learn by example, in small easy-to-digest bits.

What's included in this course:

  • Installing and setting up a basic web server with Angular libraries
  • Angular basics: Templates, controllers, directives, scopes, services, filters, expressions and data binding
  • Angular in-depth: Custom directives for template expansion and DOM manipulation, scope inheritance and isolated scopes, custom filters and comparators, forms and validation, routing and single page applications
  • Angular behind the scenes: The $watch list, $apply function and the $digest loop, dependency injection and service recipe types


NOTE: This course uses React 15.3.2

What's included in this course:

  • Installing and setting up a basic development web server with React, JSX for HTML specification and the Babel compiler
  • React basics: React nodes, fragments and components, performance optimizations using the virtual DOM, the Babel compiler for JSX transformation, passing data to components using state and props, the spread operator, synthetic events
  • React in-depth: The React component lifecycle, the component mounting, updating and unmounting phases, mixins, ES6 classes to specify React components, controlled components, forms and validation, accessing native DOM elements, the React context, DOM reconciliation
  • React in production environments: npm, Webpack, Babel 6 and JSX to build React code in a production environment, animations using transition groups and CSS transition groups, single page applications and routing

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213 Lectures
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Janani Ravi

Loonycorn is comprised of a couple of individuals —Janani Ravi and Vitthal Srinivasan—who have honed their tech expertises at Google and Stanford. The team believes it has distilled the instruction of complicated tech concepts into funny, practical, engaging courses, and is excited to be sharing its content with eager students.

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