Beginner's Guide to Cryptocurrency Investing

Would you like to see which cryptocurrency presents the best investment opportunity?

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Would you like to see which altcoin I think is the best investment and the one I am going all in on for the foreseeable future? Find out immediately in the first video! See exactly how to get started buying and earning the most!

What system did I use to choose this one altcoin to bet 10 Bitcoin on? Here is a summary of my system for deciding which altcoins to trust with my investments from USD into Bitcoin based on my experience first losing thousands of dollars investing in Bitcoin followed by making about $75,000 profit ($25,000 of which the US Treasury gets via the IRS) investing in Dash before selling my masternode using the system I show you here!

First, choose a starting point. The best value might be found towards the bottom where most currencies have a small market meaning an investment gets a large share of the total. Lower risk might be found at the top where the higher market cap cryptos have proven their worth.

Second, use Google to research the COMMUNITY. Fiat currencies gain value from the community of citizens inside and outside of a country making transactions. Digital currencies work the same way with the users buying, selling, trading, speculating, and holding defining the value.

Third, use what you have discovered about the members of the community to estimate the TRUE VALUE of the entire market. Smaller groups with less users tends to mean lower value. Active forums, passionate users, and valuable marketplaces tend to mean high value. Features tend to be worth very little if they can be copied by another startup easily whereas the community is not easily copied.

Fourth, compare your own research of the community to the relative position of the currency within its history and among other altcoins. If the market cap is higher than it ever has been by a lot, this makes a riskier investment because a regression to the mean will probably bring the price down to the true value. A market cap which has been greater in the past might make a good financial decision with the patience to buy and hold.

Fifth, assess your willingness to participate in the community and do your part to raise the value of the currency. Why give money to anyone you avoid hanging out with?

For making the most money, keep working this system daily, weekly, or monthly to keep up with changes. This course shows the result of me working this system which I hope is helpful for you in your decision making!

Is it best to invest 2GIVE, 8bit, AMP, Aeon, Antshares, Apx, Aragon, Ardor, Ark, ArtByte, Augur, AuroraCoin, BURSTCoin, Bata, BitBay, BitBean, BitCrystals, BitSend, BitShares, BitcoinDark, Bitswift, BlackCoin, Blitzcash, BlockNet, Boolberry, Breakout, Breakout Stake, Byteball, Bytecent, CLAMs, CannabisCoin, CapriCoin, Chronobank Time, Circuits of Value, CloakCoin, ClubCoin, Counterparty, Crown, CureCoin, DT Token, Darcrus, Dash, Databits, Decred, Diamond, Digibyte, DigitalNote, DigixDAO, Dogecoin, DopeCoin, Dynamic, Edgeless, Einsteinium, ElectronicGulden, EmerCoin, EnergyCoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, EuropeCoin, EverGreenCoin, ExclusiveCoin, Expanse, Factom, FairCoin, Feathercoin, Florin, FoldingCoin, GBG, Gambit, GameCredits, GeoCoin, GlobalCurrencyReserve, Gnosis, GoldCoin, Golem, Golos, GridCoin, Groestlcoin, Gulden, Guppy, HackerGold, HempCoin, Humaniq, I/OCoin, IDNI Agoras, Incent, InfluxCoin, Internet Of People, Ion, Jewel, Komodo, KoreCoin, LBRY Credits, Legends, Lisk, Litecoin, Lomocoin, Lumen, Lunyr, Magi, MaidSafe, Melon, Memetic, MonaCoin, Monero, MonetaryUnit, Musicoin, MyriadCoin, NAVCoin, NXT, NautilusCoin, NeosCoin, NewEconomyMovement, Nexium, Nexus, Nubits, OMNI, OkCash, ParkByte, Peercoin, PesetaCoin, PinkCoin, Pivx, PotCoin, Project Decorum, Quatloo, Qwark, Radium, ReddCoin, Ripple, Rise, RubyCoin, STEEM, SafeExchangeCoin, SaluS, Sequence, ShadowCash, Shift, Siberian Chervonets, SingularDTV, SolarCoin, Sphere, SpreadCoin, StartCoin, StealthCoin, SteemDollars, StorjCoinX, Stratis, Swarm City Token, Syndicate, Synergy, SysCoin, TRIG Token, TokenCard, Tokes, TransferCoin, TrustPlus, Trustcoin, Ubiq, UnbreakableCoin, Unobtanium, Vcash, Verge, VeriCoin, Verium, Vertcoin, ViaCoin, Voxels, Waves, WhiteCoin, Wild Beast Block, Wings DAO, Xaurum, ZCoin, Zcash, Zclassic, eBoost,, or vTorrent? I hope this class will provide a definitive answer!

Thank you very much for watching this! Would you take this course today to see which cryptocurrency I am most excited about?
Jerry Banfield

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Jerry Banfield

Jerry Banfield started his business online in 2011 while working on his PhD to help people with video game addiction. When he tried to share his new venture with the world, he quickly became frustrated with the limited means of learning how to promote his website and chose to learn by making every mistake himself. In realizing everyone else must be having the same problem, he applied his experience to helping clients in more than twenty countries and then to teaching millions of students on YouTube. Over 1% of people on earth (100+ million) have seen something Jerry has done online from his Facebook ads to his viral gaming videos to his "The Jerry Banfield Show" podcast to his free tutorials with millions of views to his live daily gaming streams on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, and Mixer! When you take one of Jerry’s classes, he is extremely grateful for the opportunity to continue being of service to you online and he tries to show that by adding new videos to his classes daily. Jerry has a wife and daughter he is grateful to see each day while working at home and holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Carolina and a master’s degree from the University of South Florida.

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