Projects in AngularJS - Learn by Building 10 Projects

Quickly & Easily Create Single-Page Applications with This Handy Framework

What's Inside

This course covers yet another powerful, popular JavaScript Web development framework: Angular.js. The Angular.js library is specifically designed to address the challenges in developing single-page apps, making it invaluable to front-end developers looking to make a dent in the universe. You’ll build ten real apps in the process of mastering this handy framework and further rounding out your JavaScript development skill set.

  • Create Angular websites using 2-way binding, url routing, directives & more
  • Learn how to implement PayPal integration on Web stores
  • Build a CRUD application using the Firebase API
  • Integrate Facebook & Instagram APIs into your apps
  • Understand how to execute full stack web development
  • Master important front-end & back-end programming concepts
  • Use the Sails framework for a back-end Node server

Course Curriculum

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57955+ Students
77 Lectures
14+ Hours of Video
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