ASL | Tom Loves Ruth Narrative | American Sign Language

Explore new signs and practice your ASL skills as you learn to sign an interesting narrative.

What's Inside

👍 This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.

IN THIS COURSE, our goal is to use American Sign Language (ASL) to sign a narrative about a unique situation. To achieve this, we’ll learn the ABCs, review fingerspelling rules, learn individual vocabulary words, see English translated into ASL, create complete sentences, and learn to sign the entire narrative. Along the way, there will be tests to review your ability to sign correctly and understand what I’m signing.


  • Students will learn the complete alphabet in ASL including the four (4) fingerspelling rules
  • Students will learn to correctly finger spell the first and last names of the characters in the narrative
  • Students will learn to sign fifteen (15) vocabulary words: A-LOT, ALREADY, CRAZY, EASY, FALL-IN-LOVE, FLOWERS, HAVE, IMPOSSIBLE, LOVE, MARRY/MARRIED, MAYBE, SINGLE, STILL, THINK, WILL
  • Students will see English sentences translated into ASL using ASL grammar rules
  • Students will learn to combine vocabulary signs with fingerspelled names to create complete sentences
  • Students will learn the correct facial expressions and head movements to communicate a question
  • Students will use complete sentences to sign an entire narrative about a unique situation
  • Students will race a timer as they sign vocabulary words, sentences, and the complete narrative
  • Each individual sign will be taught step by step to ensure comprehension, correct hand shape, and hand position
  • Students will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the course


  • Students will know the complete ASL alphabet and be able to fingerspell
  • Students will be able to sign and understand ASL vocabulary, sentences, and an entire narrative
  • Students will have a larger vocabulary and understand the mechanics of each sign taught in the course
  • Students will feel more confident as they continue their journey of ASL improvement

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
46235+ Students
50 Lectures
1+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Michael Honkanen
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