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IN THIS COURSE, we’re going to learn how to ask and answer the question “HOW are YOU?” in American Sign Language (ASL). We'll also learn how to sign thirty (30) emotion vocabulary words. Then, we’ll get some hands-on practice signing mini dialogues using “HOW are YOU?” "HOW are THEY?" "HOW is SHE?" etc and the vocabulary words.
Hello! My name is Michael. I’m the instructor at Able Lingo ASL.
• Get our FREE ASL Newsletter! https://ablelingo.com/asl-newsletter/
• More FREE ASL emails! https://ablelingo.com/asl-emails/
• First 1000+ Essential Signs! (FREE Preview) https://learn.ablelingo.com/p/asl-first-1000-signs
• The FULL ASL Bundle for Beginners (over 40 courses!) https://learn.ablelingo.com/
• Peek inside our ASL Bundle! https://ablelingo.com/t/asl-bundle-intro
• Learn about Michael’s ASL background! https://learn.ablelingo.com/p/asl-bundle-instructor
Have a beautiful day!