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Unity 5 - Interact with the Database Like a Pro - PHP & MySQL
File Downloads
01 Download the Unity project and open the scene
02 How to play the game server and client and test them
03 Overview of the scene assets and resources
04 Designing the Login user interface in Unity
05 Designing the registration UI
06 Connecting the authentication UI to the code
07 Swapping between Registration panel and login panel
08 Adding a feedback message field
09 Overview of the Authentication system
10 installing mySql and Php on MAC and Windows the easy way
11 Installing the mySql editor
12 Create the SQL database and user table
13 Inserting new users using the mysql editor
14 Download Php text editors MAC and Windows
15 Connect the php script to mySql database
16 Programming the database login script
17 Loging user connecting Unity login to database
18 Programming the registration in Unity
19 Triggering the user registration from Unity
20 Creating a serializable json user object in Unity
21 Refactoring the request endpoints
22 Launching the game client after successful login and registration
23 Testing Game Host and Client Login
24 Hide password fields and add user ID to User
25 Programming the player gear storage class
26 Create the SQL gear storage table
27 Programming PHP code to retrieve player gear
28 Retrieving stored player gear in Unity
29 Equipping the helmet retrieved from the server
30 Adding the item attributes
31 Equipping the sword from the database
32 Equipping the database off hand (shield)
33 Equipping the shoulders from the database in Unity
34 Adding a reference to the ground objects
35 Programming Unity to send player gear to database
36 Storing the player gear in the database
37 Refactoring item equipping
38 Create the backpack SQL script
39 Programming PHP script to retrieve backpack items
40 Programming php script to store backpack item data
41 Coding Unity script to get player backpack items from server
42 Programming the code that stores backpack data in DB server
43 INSERT gear and backpack entries at registration
27 Programming PHP code to retrieve player gear
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