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Unity 3D location based game development with Mapbox
Drenches of War
1 Intro to Mapbox and Drenches of War
2 Setting up the project and installing the Mapbox SDK
3 Creating and applying a Mapbox Studio styles
4 Mapbox Image and Terrain Factory
5 Launching water balloon projectiles
6 Setting up the UI and the GameManager
7 Enemy Tanks
8 Debug Land and Paintballs
9 The Tank Factory
10 The SpawnOnMap Script
11 Points of Interest (POIs)
12 Adding Sound Effects
13 Adding Scripts to Mapbox Vectors
14 Collision Cleanup
15 Improving Performance with Filters
16 Prepping for Deployment
17 Building the Project
18 Post-build cleanup
19 Building with shaders
20 Project wrap-up and Challenge
21 Randomizing Mapbox Location
22 Building for Android
PocketDroids GO
1 Promo
2 What is Mapbox_
3 Setting up the project
4 Styling our map with Mapbox Studio
5 Setting up our map
6 Setting up the UI and the GameManager
7 Putting our player on the map
8 Creating the Droid class
9 Singletons and the DroidFactory
10 Capture scene prep
11 Creating and implementing the Game Manager
12 Improving the UI Controller
13 Introduction to Vector Tile Factories
14 Creating the XP Bonus Prefab
15 Points of Interest and Game Object Modifiers
11 Points of Interest (POIs)
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