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The Complete Cyber Security Course! Volume 1 : Hackers Exposed
Section 1. Introduction
Welcome and Introduction to the Instructor! (2:06)
Security Quick Win! (11:40)
Goals and Learning Objectives - Volume 1 (2:30)
Target Audience Preview (1:54)
Study Recommendations (4:19)
The Forum - For Questions, Answers and Other Resources (1:34)
Course updates (0:40)
Section 2. Know Yourself - The Threat and Vulnerability Landscape
Goals and Learning Objectives (0:41)
Protect What You Value (2:04)
What is Privacy, Anonymity and Pseudonymity (4:35)
Security, Vulnerabilities, Threats and Adversaries (4:37)
Threat Modeling and Risk Assessments (7:51)
Security vs Privacy vs Anonymity - Can we have it all? (1:56)
Defense In Depth (1:35)
The Zero Trust Model (3:40)
Section 3. Know Your Enemy - The Current Threat and Vulnerability Landscape
Goals and Learning Objectives (0:43)
Why You Need Security – The Value Of A Hack (5:14)
The Top 3 Things You Need To Stay Safe Online (1:23)
Security Bugs and Vulnerabilities - The Vulnerability Landscape (5:48)
Hackers, crackers and cyber criminals (2:32)
Malware, viruses, rootkits and RATs (6:56)
Spyware, Adware, Scareware, PUPs & Browser hijacking (4:44)
What is Phishing, Vishing and SMShing (14:53)
Spamming & Doxing (3:15)
Social engineering - Scams, cons, tricks and fraud (5:31)
Darknets, Dark Markets and Exploit kits (8:04)
Governments, spies and secret stuff part I (5:12)
Governments, spies and secret stuff part II (9:43)
Regulating encryption, mandating insecurity & legalizing spying (14:36)
Trust & Backdoors (10:14)
Censorship (2:24)
Security News and Alerts – Stay Informed (0:49)
Section 4. Encryption Crash Course
Goals and Learning Objectives (0:24)
Symmetric Encryption (9:54)
Asymmetric Encryption (10:17)
Hash Functions (6:32)
Digital Signatures (4:45)
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport layer security (TLS) (13:26)
SSL Stripping (12:02)
HTTPS (HTTP Secure) (7:49)
Digital Certificates (6:19)
Certificate Authorities and HTTPS (12:56)
End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) (1:57)
Steganography (8:12)
How Security and Encryption is Really Attacked (2:42)
Section 5. Setting up a Testing Environment Using Virtual Machines
Goals and Learning Objectives (0:27)
Introduction to Setting up a Testing Environment Using Virtual Machines (10:08)
Vmware (10:55)
Virtual box (12:03)
Kali Linux (2:50)
Section 6. Operating System Security & Privacy (Windows vs Mac OS X vs Linux)
Goals and Learning Objectives (0:37)
Security Features and Functionality (5:56)
Security Bugs and Vulnerabilities (5:31)
Usage Share (5:01)
Windows 10 - Privacy & Tracking (6:08)
Windows 10 - Disable tracking automatically (4:42)
Windows 10 - Tool : Disable Windows 10 Tracking (8:14)
Windows 10 – Cortana (2:59)
Windows 10 – Privacy Settings (9:40)
Windows 10 - WiFi Sense (4:16)
Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 - Privacy & Tracking (7:19)
Mac - Privacy & Tracking (4:28)
Linux and Unix “like” Operating systems (3:30)
General Use Operating Systems (Windows, MacOS and Linux) (3:45)
General Use Operating Systems With a Security and Privacy Focus (Debian, Arch) (5:04)
Pure Security Focused Operating Systems (QubesOS, Subgraph OS, Trisquel OS) (2:55)
Anonymity Focused Operating Systems (Tails and Whonix OS) (2:56)
Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Focused Operating Systems (0:49)
Mobile Operating Systems with Security & Privacy Focus (LineageOS, Sailfish) (2:31)
Linux - Debian 8 Jessie - Virtual box guest additions Issue (6:26)
Section 7. Security Bugs and Vulnerabilities
Goals and Learning Objectives (0:25)
The Importance of Patching (3:47)
Windows 7 - Auto Update (1:15)
Windows 8 & 8.1 - Auto Update (1:25)
Windows 10 - Auto Update (1:25)
Windows - Criticality and Patch Tuesday (3:46)
Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10 - Automate the pain away from patching (8:34)
Linux - Debian - Patching (10:58)
Mac - Patching (6:58)
Firefox - Browser and extension updates (4:23)
Chrome - Browser and extension updates (1:13)
IE and Edge - Browser and extention updates (0:46)
Auto updates - The Impact to privacy and anonymity (1:41)
Section. 8 Reducing Threat Privilege
Goals and Learning Objectives + Removing Privilege (2:53)
Windows 7 - Not using admin (3:32)
Windows 8 and 8.1 - Not using admin (4:15)
Windows 10 - Not using admin (3:25)
Section 9. Social Engineering and Social Media Offence and Defence
Goals and Learning Objectives (0:26)
Information Disclosure and Identity Strategies for Social Media (12:34)
Identify Verification and Registration (5:06)
Behavioural Security Controls Against Social Threats (Phishing, Spam) Part 1 (7:51)
Behavioural Security Controls Against Social Threats (Phishing, Spam) Part 2 (10:22)
Technical Security Controls Against Social Threats (Phishing, Spam, Scam & Cons) (5:02)
Section 10. Security Domains
Goals and Learning Objectives (0:21)
Security Domains (10:00)
Section 11. Security Through Isolation and Compartmentalization
Goals and Learning Objectives (0:37)
Introduction to Isolation and Compartmentalization (2:10)
Physical and Hardware Isolation - How to change the Mac Address (7:10)
Physical and Hardware Isolation - Hardware Serials (11:18)
Virtual Isolation (8:36)
Dual Boot (2:41)
Built-in Sandboxes and Application Isolation (3:07)
Windows - Sandboxes and Application Isolation (5:57)
Windows - Sandboxes and Application Isolation - Sandboxie (11:29)
Linux - Sandboxes and Application Isolation (3:04)
Mac - Sandboxes and Application Isolation (6:34)
Virtual Machines (10:51)
Virtual Machine Weaknesses (10:31)
Virtual Machine Hardening (9:15)
Whonix OS - Anonymous Operating system (20:51)
Whonix OS - Weaknesses (4:18)
Qubes OS (19:07)
Security Domains, Isolation and Compartmentalization (4:42)
Section 12. BONUS - What's next?... Volume 2, 3 and 4
Important Information (0:46)
Congratulations (0:58)
Certificate of Completion for CPEs (0:56)
BONUS Lecture from Volume 2 - Router Vulnerability Scanning (Shodan, Qualys) (16:23)
BONUS Lecture from Volume 2 - Password cracking part 2 (7:09)
BONUS Lecture from Volume 3 - Bypassing firewalls and HTTP proxies part 3 (15:21)
BONUS Lecture from Volume 4 - Email clients, protocols and authentication (13:17)
How Security and Encryption is Really Attacked
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