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Case Studies: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Apple
The Business of Technology
The Business of Technology
Case Study: Apple
The best reason to study Apple
How Important is Apple?
Perfect Competition: The Exceptions Prove the Rule
The Digital Hub: iTunes + iPod
On Tim's Watch: Apple Watch and Apple Pay
How Big, How Far
The Best of the Best
Need Help Counting the Money?
A Job for Jobs
Apple Before the Second Coming
Unbeaten, Unbeatable
Case Study: Twitter
A Tale of two Twitters
An Important Dichotomy
Engagement Precedes Monetisation
How does Twitter manage to lose so much money?
How Big, How Far
Twitter's Strange Life So Far
The Characters in the Drama
Case Study: LinkedIn
LinkedIn: Network or Destination?
Sum of its Parts
Not a One-Trick Pony
A Rare Success In China
Social Network to Content Destination
In Its Own Little Niches
Case Study: Facebook
Facebook Rising
Rockstar du jour
A Profit-Machine Buys Growth
Monetising in the US, Engaging in Asia
Learning from mistakes: own and others
Facebook Rising
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