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BDD with Ruby on Rails: Using RSpec 3 & Capybara
Introduction: Up and running with Ruby on Rails 4.2 using cloud based IDE
Introduction (1:53)
Development Environment Update
Setup cloud-based integrated development environment using nitrous (3:50)
Setup local development environment (Mac users only optional) (14:59)
Get familiar with development environment and wrap up Section 1 (14:14)
Alternative IDE - Sign up and use Cloud9 as the IDE instead of nitrous (12:15)
Alternative IDE - Sign up and use Koding as the IDE instead of nitrous (13:12)
Testing and Setup
MVC structure of Rails applications (2:59)
Introduction to testing - unit, regression and RSpec (2:29)
Start a new Blog application without default test unit (9:55)
Setup a Github account and add SSH key (4:54)
Create a Github repository for the web app and wrap up Section 2 (4:00)
Build Feature Tests - BDD
Setup RSpec and Capybara (4:45)
Git branch and create article feature test (19:57)
Setup Bootstrap, add navigation and messages (18:03)
New article and route (16:17)
New template code - document
Complete create action (9:31)
Add Guard to the application (5:07)
Run guard and fix a minor bug during addition (2:27)
Add validations for articles (18:11)
Flash vs. (3:53)
Listing articles feature (15:30)
Showing articles feature (13:30)
Update guard for wanted behavior (10:59)
Editing articles feature (13:33)
Deleting articles feature (10:42)
Refactor the code (9:47)
User Management
Introduction to users (1:38)
Install Devise in the application (3:31)
Create User model and signup feature (11:24)
Update Devise views (11:52)
Fix view (1:15)
User sign in feature (8:28)
Customize Devise views and create partials (17:53)
User sign out (8:22)
Build one-to-many association (14:47)
Review app from the UI (browser), add styling and clean up branches (7:04)
Restrict access to certain features from UI (14:46)
Restrict access in controller (15:46)
Comments feature - nested routes
Add comments feature (19:12)
articles/show.html.erb template
Complete comments feature (13:39)
Project Homework: Deploy to Production using Heroku (3:06)
Workout App - User Management
Introduction and app preview (2:45)
Homework: Create a new Workout App rails project (1:32)
Solution: Create a new Workout App rails project (5:55)
Homework assignment: Create first feature spec
Solution: homepage feature spec
Homework assignment: Add guard to application
Solution: add guard to the application
Create homepage and add Bootstrap to the application (14:58)
Code template for application.html.erb prior to updates made in lecture 51
Setup Devise (3:49)
Homework assignment: Create feature spec for user signup (0:55)
Solution: User signup feature spec
User signup (7:17)
Homework assignment: Create feature spec for user sign in (1:09)
Solution: User sign in feature spec
User sign in (5:53)
Homework assignment: Create feature spec for user sign out
Solution: User sign out feature spec
User sign out (3:07)
Beautify Devise views (3:44)
Templates for sign up and new views
Override devise_error_messages! method (7:09)
Template for devise_error_messages! method and custom.css.scss styling
Create partials - header and main (4:20)
Restrict links and wrap up Section 6 (4:10)
Exercise Management
Introduction to section 7 and build feature spec (9:23)
Routes and controller for exercises (9:05)
Exercise model and association with user (5:33)
Build new exercise, update user model and add form partial (14:20)
Template for _form.html.erb partial
Show action and template (8:56)
Template for show.html.erb
Validations: Invalid exercise feature test and implementation (7:58)
Add datepicker (6:33)
Listing workouts (17:23)
Adding graphs to exercise listing and default scope (17:41)
Code for exercise.js file
Edit workouts (17:54)
Delete workouts and wrap up Section 7 (11:28)
Working with Users
Introduction to Section 8 and fix flash messages bug (3:41)
Add users listings to homepage (8:33)
Add usernames to users (10:59)
Add validations for names (4:28)
Add pagination to users listings (9:27)
Search users (19:40)
Code for self.search_by_name method
Wrap up section 8 and clean up broken specs due to name validations (8:00)
Follow/Unfollow Friends
Introduction and follow friend feature spec (8:09)
Many to many association between users and friends through friendships (10:55)
Create controller and routes for friendships (9:01)
Display friends (15:00)
Show friend's workout details (11:27)
Showing friend workout details feature spec document
Unfollow a friend (9:27)
Review, final updates, app wrap up and homework assignment (8:59)
Thank you for taking the course (1:24)
Misc - Items and links useful for course
Github repository links for the apps built in the course
Thank you for taking the course
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