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ReactJS Course
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Node.js and npm (Recommended) (2:33)
Module 1: React.js Basics
Quick Intro (2:40)
Hello World (5:29)
Hello World Demo (2:46)
JSX (4:06)
JSX Demo (1:43)
Babel (3:24)
Babel Demo (3:04)
Components (3:15)
Module 1 (Cont)
Nesting Elements (2:47)
Variables (2:12)
State (4:17)
Methods and Events (3:28)
Props (5:33)
Summary (2:47)
Project: Timer (11:24)
Module 2: Developing with React.js
Congrats (0:42)
Lists (2:05)
Project: Menu (10:02)
Refs and Default Props (4:33)
Default Props Demo (1:44)
Prop Types (2:07)
Required Props (1:53)
Mixins (5:21)
Module 2 (Cont)
Rendering Children Elements (3:20)
Forms, Events and Uncontrolled Components (4:09)
Controlled Components and Default Values (4:12)
Rendering Children Demo (2:23)
Uncontrolled Components Demo (3:24)
Controlled Components Demo (3:07)
Style Attribute Demo (2:57)
Summary (1:45)
Module 3: Getting Reactive with Message Board (Express+MongoDB+React+Gulp+JSX)
Board Part 1: Package.json and Gulpfile.js (11:43)
Board Part 2: Express.js+MongoDB REST API Server POST and GET Endpoints (12:33)
Board Part 3: Testing REST API Server POST and GET Endpoints with Postman (2:49)
Board Part 4: HTML Page with Twitter Bootstrap (5:06)
Board Part 5: Header and Footer React JSX Components (4:58)
Board Part 6: Getting JSON from REST API Server and Saving Data with AJAX/XHR (8:47)
Board Part 7: JSX List Table with Map (4:46)
Required Props
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