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Python 3 Complete Masterclass - Make Your Job Tasks Easier!
Python 3 - Basics
Welcome! Glad to have you on board! (1:17)
Just starting out in programming? Read this!
How to Install Python 3 on Windows (2:57)
How to Install Python 3 on macOS (2:35)
UPDATE! Python Versions
Installing Python 3 on Windows, Linux and MacOS
The Python Interpreter & IDLE in Windows (3:19)
The Python Interpreter & IDLE in macOS (2:45)
Python 3 Basics - Scripts in Windows (3:58)
UPDATE! Saving a Python script in Notepad++
Python 3 Basics - Scripts in macOS (4:21)
Python 3 - Reasons for the 'No such file or directory' error (or similar) (5:07)
Python 3 Basics - User Input (3:57)
Notebook - User Input
Python 3 Basics - Variables (6:19)
Notebook - Variables
Python 3 Basics - Keywords
Python 3 - Data Types (1:51)
Python 3 - Strings
Why learn about each of Python's data types? (7:38)
Python 3 Strings - Introduction (6:57)
Python 3 Strings - Methods (8:54)
Python 3 Strings - Operators & Formatting (7:23)
Python 3 Strings - Formatting Using F-strings (2:25)
Python 3 Strings - Slices (7:42)
Python 3 Strings - Slicing Using a Step (4:08)
Notebook - Strings
Python 3 - Numbers and Booleans
Python 3 Numbers - Math Operators (6:15)
Notebook - Numbers and Math Operators
Python 3 Booleans - Logical Operators (5:58)
Notebook - Booleans and Logical Operators
Python 3 - Lists
Python 3 Lists - Introduction (3:42)
Python 3 Lists - Methods (8:27)
Python 3 Lists - Slices (5:40)
Notebook - Lists
Python 3 - Sets
Python 3 Sets - Introduction (3:21)
Python 3 Sets - Methods (2:51)
Python 3 Sets - Frozensets (3:03)
Notebook - Sets and Frozensets
Python 3 - Tuples
Python 3 Tuples - Introduction (4:48)
Python 3 Tuples - Tuples vs. Lists (2:50)
Python 3 Tuples - Methods (3:25)
Notebook - Tuples
Python 3 - Ranges
Python 3 Ranges - Introduction (4:06)
Python 3 Ranges - Methods (2:40)
Notebook - Ranges
Python 3 - Dictionaries
Python 3 Dictionaries - Introduction (3:11)
Python 3 Dictionaries - Methods (6:25)
Python 3 Dictionaries - Updates in v3.6 and v3.7 (2:09)
Python 3 - Conversions Between Data Types (6:51)
Notebook - Dictionaries and Conversions Between Data Types
Python 3 - Conditionals, Loops and Exceptions
Python 3 Conditionals - If / Elif / Else (15:20)
Notebook - If / Elif / Else Conditionals
Python 3 Loops - For / For-Else (8:42)
Notebook - For / For-Else Loops
Python 3 Loops - While / While-Else (6:05)
Notebook - While / While-Else Loops
Python 3 Nesting - If / For / While (10:10)
Notebook - Nesting
Python 3 - Break / Continue / Pass (7:40)
Notebook - Break / Continue / Pass
Python 3 - Exceptions (2:27)
Python 3 - Try / Except / Else / Finally (9:42)
Notebook - Try / Except / Else / Finally
Python 3 - Handling Errors and Exceptions in Python
Python 3 - Fixing Syntax Errors (5:24)
Python 3 - Fixing Exceptions (8:45)
Python 3 - Functions and Modules
Python 3 Functions - Basics (9:51)
Python 3 Functions - Arguments (8:03)
Notebook - Functions - Basics
Python 3 Functions - Namespaces (10:48)
Python 3 Modules - Importing (11:30)
Python 3 Modules - Helpful Functions: dir() and help() (2:20)
Notebook - Modules and Importing
Python 3 Modules - Installing a Non-Default Module in Windows (3:54)
Python 3 Modules - Installing a Non-Default Module in macOS
Python 3 - File Operations
Python 3 Files - Opening & Reading (12:10)
Python 3 Files - Quick Note for Windows Users (2:48)
Python 3 Files - Additional Way of Avoiding the Unicode Error (1:38)
Python 3 Files - Writing & Appending (7:46)
Python 3 Files - Closing. The "with" Method (2:28)
Python 3 Files - Deleting File Contents (4:43)
Python 3 Files - Access Modes Summary
Notebook - File Operations
Python 3 - Regular Expressions
Python 3 Regex - match() & search() (16:24)
Python 3 Regex - findall() & sub() (6:16)
Python 3 Regex - Regular Expressions Summary
Notebook - Regular Expressions
Bonus Video: Special Sequences (6:01)
Bonus Video: Sets of Characters (5:07)
Bonus Video: OR in Regular Expressions (3:48)
Bonus Video: split() & subn() (3:33)
Bonus Video: Additional Regex Syntax Elements (4:45)
Bonus Video: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute (3:34)
Python 3 - Classes and Objects
Python 3 Classes - Objects (11:45)
Python 3 Classes - Inheritance (6:19)
Notebook - Classes and Objects
Python 3 - Other Advanced Concepts
Python 3 - List / Set / Dictionary Comprehensions (4:53)
Notebook - List / Set / Dictionary Comprehensions
Python 3 - Lambda Functions (4:40)
Notebook - Lambda Functions
Python 3 - map() and filter() (2:29)
Notebook - map() and filter()
Python 3 - Iterators and Generators (6:48)
Notebook - Iterators and Generators
Python 3 - Itertools (5:43)
Notebook - Itertools
Python 3 - Decorators (2:37)
Notebook - Decorators
Python 3 - Threading Basics (5:36)
Notebook - Threading Basics
Python 3 - Coding Best Practices (2:36)
Python 3 - Cheat Sheet
Download the Python 3 Cheat Sheet
Python 3 - E-Book
Download the Python 3 E-Book
APPLICATION: Build a Scientific Calculator with Python 3
Planning the Application (3:01)
Designing and Building the User Menu (3:08)
Implementing Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division (6:10)
Implementing Modulo, Raising to a Power, Square Root, Logarithm (3:43)
Implementing Trigonometric Functions: sin, cos, tan (3:37)
Testing Each Function of the Application (3:50)
Download the Code - Interactive Scientific Calculator
Creating Executable Files (.exe) from Python Scripts (.py) (3:59)
Automate Excel Tasks with Python 3
Setting Up the Working Environment (2:35)
Loading an Excel Workbook In Python and Creating/Removing Sheets (5:28)
Notebook - Handling Workbooks
Getting General Information About a Sheet (3:58)
Notebook - Sheet Information
Working with Sheet Cells Using Python (4:01)
Notebook - Cell Information
Working with Cell Styles Using Python (9:03)
UPDATE! Change in cell.column in recent versions of openpyxl
Notebook - Cell Styles
Download the Excel-Python Cheat Sheet
APPLICATION - Migrating Records from a Text File to an Excel Workbook (18:12)
Download the Code - Excel Application
Automate Database Tasks with Python 3
Installing the Database Server Software (2:45)
UPDATE! Downloading and Installing PostgreSQL
Installing the Necessary Python Module (1:32)
Creating a New Database, Schema and User (5:26)
UPDATE! Change in database connection via PSQL
Notebook - Creating a New Database, Schema and User
Connecting Python to the Database (2:45)
Notebook - Connecting Python to the Database
Creating Database Tables with Python (4:26)
UPDATE! Handling the InFailedSqlTransaction exception
Notebook - Creating Database Tables with Python
Inserting Records Into a Table with Python (3:18)
Notebook - Inserting Records Into a Table with Python
Updating Records Into a Table with Python (2:42)
Notebook - Updating Records Into a Table with Python
Deleting Records From a Table with Python (1:54)
Notebook - Deleting Records From a Table with Python
Querying the Database with Python (5:15)
Notebook - Querying the Database with Python
Fetching Information From the Database with Python (4:04)
Notebook - Fetching Information From the Database with Python
Committing and Rolling Back Transactions with Python (3:38)
Notebook - Committing and Rolling Back Transactions
Download the PostgreSQL Syntax Cheat Sheet
Download the PostgreSQL-Python Cheat Sheet
APPLICATION - Migrating Records from a Text File to the Database (9:14)
Download the Code - Database Application
Automate Network Tasks with Python 3
Network Setup Overview (1:27)
Installing the Virtualization Software (1:36)
Installing the Virtualization Software on Windows, Linux, MacOS
Downloading & Installing the Network Device VM (2:16)
Note about Arista vEOS versions
Signing Up to the Arista Software Download Portal
Importing the VM & Tweaking the VM Settings (3:08)
UPDATE! vEOS First Boot and the ZeroTouch Feature
Connecting the Local PC to the Devices in Windows (4:52)
Connecting the Local PC to the Devices in macOS
Necessary Switch/Router Configuration
Checking the SSH Configuration and Testing the Connectivity (3:03)
UPDATE! Putty asking for Host Key / Password
Any Connection Issues? Check Out This Troubleshooting Checklist!
Planning the Application (5:46)
Checking IP File Validity (4:09)
Notebook - Checking IP File Validity
Checking IP Address Validity (12:51)
Notebook - Checking IP Address Validity
Checking IP Address Reachability (3:57)
Notebook - Checking IP Address Reachability
Note about pinging in Windows vs. Mac OS / Linux
Checking Username/Password File Validity (1:45)
Notebook - Checking Username/Password File Validity
Checking Command File Validity (1:08)
Notebook - Checking Command File Validity
Establishing the SSH Connection (13:13)
Notebook - Establishing the SSH Connection
Enabling Simultaneous SSH Connections (2:12)
Notebook - Enabling Simultaneous SSH Connections
Putting Everything Together (2:56)
Download the Code - Network Application and Modules
Reading Device Configuration (9:19)
Extracting Network Parameters (12:13)
Configuring Multiple Devices Simultaneously (2:58)
Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3
Running Python Code - The Next Level: IPython and Jupyter Notebook (9:08)
Notebook - IPython and Jupyter Notebook
Introduction to Pandas - Basic Operations (9:14)
Notebook - Introduction to Pandas
Handling Files with Pandas - TXT, CSV, JSON, XLSX (17:27)
Notebook - Handling TXT, CSV, JSON, XLSX Files with Pandas
Reading HTML Content from URLs and HTML Files with Pandas (4:52)
Notebook - Reading HTML Content with Pandas
Indexing and Slicing Tables with Pandas (21:45)
Notebook - Indexing and Slicing Tables with Pandas
Adding, Updating, Deleting Table Rows and Columns (14:22)
Notebook - Adding, Updating, Deleting Table Rows and Columns
APPLICATION - Reading and Writing Data in PostgreSQL Databases Using Pandas (18:18)
UPDATE! Preparing for testing the application
Download the Code - SQL Data Analysis Application
Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3
Introduction to Bokeh (3:38)
Bookmark These 3 Important Documentation Links
Creating a Basic Line Plot Based on Python Lists (11:17)
UPDATE! BokehDeprecationWarning: 'legend' keyword is deprecated
Notebook - Creating a Basic Line Plot Based on Python Lists
Creating a Bar Plot Based on Excel Data (17:42)
Notebook - Creating a Bar Plot Based on Excel Data
Creating a Pie Chart Based on CSV Data (11:28)
UPDATE! Using 'legend_field' instead of 'legend'
Notebook - Creating a Pie Chart Based on CSV Data
Plotting Multiple Stock Prices Simultaneously (9:04)
Notebook - Plotting Multiple Stock Prices Simultaneously
Plotting Bitcoin Prices as an Interactive Plot with a Range Tool (12:55)
UPDATE! Code change according to a new website structure
Notebook - Plotting Bitcoin Prices as an Interactive Plot with a Range Tool
Plotting Bitcoin Prices as an Interactive Plot with Candlesticks (9:49)
Notebook - Plotting Bitcoin Prices as an Interactive Plot with Candlesticks
Automate Unit Testing with Python 3
Installing pytest and Writing Your First Test (12:30)
Notebook - Introduction to pytest
Running Multiple Tests. Test Discovery Rules in Action (6:08)
Notebook - Running Multiple Tests
Testing a Basic Script - Preparing the Test Bed (9:33)
Download the Code for Testing
Fixture Functions (4:26)
Notebook - Fixture Functions
Sharing a Fixture Instance & Fixture Finalization (9:17)
Notebook - Sharing a Fixture Instance & Fixture Finalization
Parametrizing Fixtures (4:36)
Notebook - Parametrizing Fixtures
Marking Test Functions Using Attributes (6:22)
Notebook - Marking Test Functions Using Attributes
Marking Test Functions Using Custom Markers (4:23)
Notebook - Marking Test Functions Using Custom Markers
Automate Web Scraping with Python 3
Installing the Necessary Modules (1:47)
Notebook - Installing the Necessary Modules
Extracting and Parsing Web Content (4:34)
Notebook - Extracting and Parsing Web Content
Tags, Names and Attributes (10:07)
Notebook - Tags, Names and Attributes
Searching the Tree of HTML Tags: find() and find_all() (6:09)
Notebook - Searching the Tree of HTML Tags: find() and find_all()
APPLICATION - Extracting the Product Names, Links and Prices. Saving to Excel (12:44)
Download the Code - Scraping Web Data and Saving to Excel
APPLICATION - Handling Website Pagination When Extracting Data (6:24)
Download the Code - Handling Website Pagination When Extracting Data
10 Ways to Earn Money and Build a Portfolio with Your Python Skills
Putting Your Skills to Work - Part 1 (8:46)
Putting Your Skills to Work - Part 2 (8:45)
Download the Presentation
Final Section
Bonus Lecture
Running Python Code - The Next Level: IPython and Jupyter Notebook
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