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Projects in CSS Course
Coures Introduction (3:55)
Landing Page Design
Landing Page Intro (2:15)
Base Structure and Reset File (14:58)
Page HTML Markup (20:15)
Core CSS Style (11:07)
Custom CSS Style (24:21)
Mobile Responsive CSS (8:16)
Responsive Tableless Calendar
Calendar Intro (3:08)
Calendar HTML Markup (13:49)
Events HTML Markup (4:01)
Calendar Page CSS (12:57)
Calendar Responsive CSS (4:16)
Pure CSS Image Slider
Image Slider Intro (2:48)
Intro To CSS Keyframes (10:53)
Slider HTML Markup (10:58)
Page CSS (26:19)
Animation CSS (8:27)
Transition Dropdown Menu
Menu Project Introduction (2:17)
Intro To CSS Transitions (5:43)
CSS Menu HTML Markup (12:33)
Menu CSS (20:43)
Menu Responsive CSS (20:09)
CSS Timeline
CSS Timeline Intro (2:10)
Timeline HTML Markup (19:27)
Timeline Page CSS (9:07)
Timeline Inner Element CSS (13:33)
Timeline Responsive CSS (8:39)
Pricing Tables With Sass
Pricing Tables Intro (3:41)
Sass Environment Setup (18:12)
Pricetables HTML (8:32)
Pricetables CSS (26:26)
Sass Variables & Features (12:11)
CSS Image Gallery
Image Gallery Intro (2:45)
Create a Simple Logo in Photoshop (7:01)
Gallery HTML and CSS (22:32)
Fancybox Plugin (10:42)
JQuery Category Filters (12:24)
Animated Car
Animated Car Intro (1:49)
Creating the Images (6:47)
Car Page HTML and CSS (12:07)
Wheel Animation (3:36)
Background Animation (7:48)
Animated Bootstrap Template
Bootstrap Template Intro (3:03)
Bootstrap File Structure (11:36)
Styling the Navbar (20:04)
Showcase Section (19:31)
Sections and Footer (14:47)
Template Animation (21:32)
Newsletter Design With LESS
Newsletter Template Intro (2:55)
LESS Environment Setup (10:43)
Newsletter HTML (12:36)
Newsletter CSS & LESS 1 (20:56)
Newsletter CSS & LESS 2 (16:56)
Course Summary
Course Summary (4:28)
Sass Environment Setup
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