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Projects in Cloud Computing
AWS Basics
About Cloud Computing
Compute and Storage Fundamentals
AWS Infrastructure
Shared Security
Resource Limits
AWS Basics Quiz
Summary - Resources
Iterative Explainer
Iterative Summary
Autoscaling Load Balancing
Basics Lab
Lab Walkthrough
Load Balancing Lab
Scenario Based Quizzes
Iterative Summary
Cloud Formation
Templates Cover Mappings
Stacks Stacksets
Parameter Store
Wordpress Demo
Lab Walkthrough
Iterative Summary
Dynamo DB
Basics Cover Concurrency
Local and Global Secondary Indexes
Throughput and Read Write Operations
Point in Time Recovery
Iterative Summary
Going Further
S3 Setup
Proof of Concept
S3POC Part 1
S3POC Part 2
Full Stack POC
Serverless Programming 102
Create Endpoint
Deploy with S3
Deploy with CloudFront
Route 53
Cloud Front
API Gatway
Update POC
Event Drive Programming
Event Driven Programming Part 1
Event Driven Programming Part 2
Rekognition and CLI POC
CloudPhoto Part 1 - S3-SNS
CloudPhoto Part 2 - IAM
CloudPhoto Part 3 - Looking at the Data
CloudPhoto Part 4 - Detect Labels
CloudPhoto Part 5 - Detect Faces
Introduction - old
Anatomy of an AWS Instance - Old
Spin up a virtual machine (EC2) with security group
Install Nginx
Test Nginx as reverse proxy
Extend Security with the IAM Console
Ansible Configuration
Provisioning with Ansible
Setup Ansible Dynamic Inventory
Use Dynamic Inventory
Going Further with AWS
Firebase - old
Setup a Firebase Development Environment
Firebase Authentication
Using Firebase Internal API’s Storage
Using Firebase Internal API’s Database
Cloud Programming Languages - old
Cloud Programming Languages
Google Cloud Platform (gcloud) PAAS - old
Setup a Google Cloud Platform Development Environment
Setup a Google Cloud Platform Shell Environment Part A
Setup a Google Cloud Platform Shell Environment Part B
Setup a Google Cloud App Engine Rest API
Extending Google Cloud App Engine Rest API with the DataStore
Setup a Google Cloud Platform Key Value Store A
Setup a Google Cloud Platform Key Value Store B
Setup a Google Cloud Platform Key Value Store C
Google Cloud Platform APIs - old
Google Cloud Storage, Set up a Gcloud Development Environment
Setup a Google Cloud Platform File Storage Application
Gcloud File Storage Application OAuth Config and API Implementation
Azure Cloud Model - old
Understanding the Azure Cloud Model
Create and Configure an Active Directory to access Azure Resources
Set Active Directory Permissions to access Azure Resources
Setup a Azure Development Environment
Test the Azure Development Environment with the default key store
Test the Azure Development Environment with the Resource manager
Azure sdk - old
Provisioning with the Azure sdk
Accessing and configuring the Provisioned machine
Configuring Azure Network access
Azure Storage with the Azure Python sdk
Blobservice and File Upload with the Azure sdk
Azure NoSQL - old
Azure NoSQL service with the Azure sdk
Set up an Azure DocumentDb Development Environment
Create and run a Azure DocumentDb NoSQL Client
Working with DocumentDb NoSQL Client
Introduction to the Netflix OSS - old
Introduction to the Netflix OSS
Design a Cloud Project Using Netflix OSS
Service Discovery - old
Service Discovery Registry with Netflix OSS Eureka: dependencies
Service Discovery with Netflix OSS Eureka: runtime artifacts
Service Discovery with Netflix OSS Eureka: putting it all together
Real Time Guarantee - old
Real Time Guarantee with Netflix OSS Hystrix: Configuration
Real Time Guarantee with Netflix OSS Hystrix: Implementation
Real Time Guarantee with Netflix OSS Hystrix: runtime
Implement a Netflix OSS Rest client with Feign: Configuration
Implement a Netflix OSS Rest client with Feign: runtime
Netflix Universal JavaScript - old
Netflix Universal JavaScript
Netflix Universal JavaScript: configuration
Netflix Universal JavaScript: client implementation
Netflix Universal JavaScript: server configuration
Netflix Universal JavaScript: server implementation
Heroku Conceptual Model - old
Basic Concepts
Set up a heroku development environment(PostgreSQL)
Set up a heroku development environment(Heroku toolbelt)
SpringBoot on Heroku - old
Spin up a spring boot app on Heroku
Spin up a spring boot app on Heroku: production
React js on Heroku - old
Spin up a React js app on Heroku
Spin up a React js app on Heroku: production
OpenShift EcoSystem - old
OpenShift EcoSystem High Level Concepts
OpenShift Origin - old
OpenShift Origin Online Spin up a CMS
OpenShift Container Platform - old
Introduction to OpenShift Container Platform basic concepts
Setup the OpenShift Container Platform as a private cloud
Kubernetes - old
Kubernetes, Containers and Pods
Summary - old
Route 53
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