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Programming for Complete Beginners in C#
Why Learn C#? (6:26)
Getting Started with Visual Studio
Downloading and Installing Visual Studio
Demo: Hello World! (9:05)
Deconstructing Hello World (16:40)
Types and Variables
Types in C# (6:34)
Variables in C# (7:43)
Demo: Hello
Demo: Simple Addition (7:03)
Demo: Comments and Formatting Strings (15:48)
Quiz: Types and Variables
Expressions and Operators
Expressions and Operators Explained (8:33)
Demo: Expressions and Operators (12:13)
Quiz: Expressions and Operators
Flow of Control Statements
The 'if' Statement (4:27)
Live Coding: Flip a Coin (9:13)
Live Code: Flip a Coin 2 (4:11)
While Loops (4:23)
Live Coding: The Guessing Game (6:08)
Demo: Debugging and Breakpoints (5:19)
For Loops (5:48)
Live Coding: Lucky Sevens (3:49)
Live Coding: Multiplication Table (6:07)
Quiz: Conditional Statements and Loops
Skill Check: Enhance the Guessing Game
Methods and Classes
Classes vs Objects, What's the Difference? (10:11)
What are Methods? (6:36)
Demo: Void Methods (13:18)
Demo: Parameters and Return Values (10:19)
Fields & Properties (14:24)
Demo: Constructors and Overloading Methods (13:35)
Flowcharting : Rock, Paper, Scissors (3:47)
Live Coding : Rock, Paper, Scissors 1 (7:19)
Live Coding : Rock, Paper, Scissors 2 (7:00)
Live Coding : Rock, Paper, Scissors 3 (7:50)
Quiz : Methods and Classes
What are Arrays? (11:45)
Demo: Creating and Manipulating Arrays (9:02)
Demo: foreach Loops (3:29)
Demo: Fun with Strings (12:23)
Live Coding: Hangman (21:32)
Quiz : Arrays
Advanced Methods and Classes
Demo: The params Keyword (3:00)
Demo: Output Parameters (4:33)
Value vs Reference Types (9:38)
Static vs Instance (9:08)
Demo: Reading Configuration Data (6:25)
A Quick Note
Interfaces (7:19)
Live Coding : A Polymorphic Interface for Logging (13:08)
Inheritance (10:01)
Live Coding : RPG Bag System (21:20)
Quiz : Advanced Methods and Classes
How about nearly 100 exercises?
Hone your Skills on these Warmups
Final Words
The Journey of the Software Craftsman (10:23)
Classes vs Objects, What's the Difference?
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