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PostgreSQL Bootcamp: SQL and PostgreSQL Database Masterclass
Introduction to PostgreSQL (6:34)
Understand the NorthWind Data Model (7:01)
Install PostgreSQL (5:47)
pgAdmin and psql (7:20)
Setting Up NorthWind Database (5:58)
Retrieve data using SELECT statement
What is SELECT? (3:31)
Alias in SELECT (6:43)
Literals in SELECT (3:41)
Operations among Columns (6:27)
Concatenation Operator (3:58)
Data Filter in Select
Usage of Where Clause (4:39)
Logical Operator (AND, OR, NOT) (5:12)
LIKE Operator (9:48)
BETWEEN Operator (6:31)
IN , NOT IN Operators (5:56)
Comparison Operators (4:16)
LIMIT and FETCH Operators (4:00)
Data Exploration using SELECT
DISTINCT CLause (4:15)
Ordering the data (4:34)
Handling NULL data (2:59)
What is JOIN? (3:05)
INNER Join (6:23)
LEFT OUTER Join (4:19)
RIGHT OUTER Join (4:53)
FULL OUTER Join (5:27)
SELF Join (5:01)
CROSS Join (3:00)
SET Operators
Basics of SET Operators (2:40)
UNION Operator (5:16)
INTERSECT Operator (2:56)
EXCEPT Operator (2:15)
Aggregate Function
What is Aggregate Function (3:12)
Group Data
Basics of Grouping data (3:25)
Group By and Having (12:26)
Build Complex Queries
How to construct complex queries (16:51)
String and Number Built in Functions
Length, Lower , Upper Functions (5:05)
Ltrim, Rtrim, Btrim, Trim Functions (9:19)
InitCap, Left , Right Functions (5:22)
Ascii, Chr, Concat, Concat_ws Functions (6:30)
Strpos, Position Functions (2:58)
Substring Function (6:28)
Lpad, Rpad, Split_Part Functions (7:08)
Repeat, Reverse Functions (2:28)
Translate, Replace Functions (4:56)
Numeric Functions (7:55)
Date Time Built In Functions
Current Date/Time Functions (10:03)
Age, Timeofday Functions (7:14)
Date_part, Extract, Date_Trunc Functions (6:47)
Data Type Conversion Built In Functions
Cast Function (5:24)
To_date Function (8:57)
To_Char Function (6:39)
To_Number Function (3:50)
To_Timestamp Function (4:48)
Sub Query
Sub Query, Exists, In Operators (9:23)
ANY, ALL Operators (5:47)
DML Operations
Insert Statement (8:16)
Update Statement (6:22)
Delete Statement (7:04)
Commit and Rollback Statements (7:27)
Substring Function
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