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Modern OpenGL C++ 3D Game Tutorial Series & 3D Rendering
Introduction (2:18)
[SETUP] GLFW and GLEW on Windows (Absolute Linking) (24:34)
[SETUP] GLFW and GLEW on Windows (Relative Linking) (26:13)
[SETUP] SDL and GLEW on a Mac (18:41)
[SETUP] GLFW and GLEW on a Mac (20:17)
[SETUP] SFML and GLEW on Windows (Relative Linking) (22:47)
[SETUP] SDL and GLEW on Windows (Absolute Linking) (28:52)
[SETUP] SDL and GLEW on Windows (Relative Linking) (24:19)
[SETUP] Windows Visual Studio SOIL Setup (13:57)
[SETUP] Windows Visual Studio GLM Setup (5:04)
[SETUP] SFML and GLEW on a Mac (18:26)
[SETUP] SFML and GLEW on Windows (Absolute Linking) (20:41)
Getting Started
[GETTING STARTED] Tutorial 1 - Drawing A Triangle (28:56)
[GETTING STARTED] Tutorial 2 - Shader Files (21:29)
[GETTING STARTED] Tutorial 3 - Textures (35:35)
[GETTING STARTED] Tutorial 4 - Transformations (13:25)
[GETTING STARTED] Tutorial 5 - Projections and Coordinate Systems (32:10)
[GETTING STARTED] Tutorial 6 - Camera-1 (74:49)
[LIGHTING] Tutorial 7 - Colours (25:33)
[LIGHTING] Tutorial 8 - Basic Lighting (30:12)
[LIGHTING] Tutorial 9 - Materials (24:37)
[LIGHTING] Tutorial 10 - Lighting Maps (27:54)
[LIGHTING] Tutorial 11 - Directional Light (15:26)
[LIGHTING] Tutorial 12 - Point Light (15:17)
[LIGHTING] Tutorial 13 - Spot Light (16:33)
[LIGHTING] Tutorial 14 - Combining Directional, Point and Spot Lights-1 (44:26)
Model Loading
[MODEL LOADING] ASSIMP Setup Using CMAKE Windows (10:33)
[MODEL LOADING] Tutorial 15 - Setup and Mesh Class (35:50)
[MODEL LOADING] Tutorial 16 - Model Class and Loading A Model-1 (56:21)
[ADVANCED OPENGL] Tutorial 17 - CubemappingSkybox-1 (31:46)
[LIGHTING] Tutorial 9 - Materials
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