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Master Arduino Programming
Introduction of Arduino
Details about Arduino Uno (12:00)
Setup and Install Arduino Software (9:09)
Digital Output to Control LED (7:29)
Digital Input to Connect Switches (16:58)
Programming Basics
Variables and Datatypes (24:25)
Making Decision with Programming (11:41)
Switch Case Statement (6:39)
For Loops in Programming (6:43)
While Loops in Programming (7:31)
Functions and Routines (11:29)
Digital and Analog Sensors
Serial Communication Arduino and PC (15:32)
Analog Temperature Sensor LM35 Interfacing (12:43)
Digital PIR Passive IR Motion Sensor (10:14)
Pulse Width Modulation (6:26)
Display LCD to Arduino Project
Introduction of LCD Display (8:11)
Program Character LCD Display (21:21)
Internet and Ethernet Communication
Introduction of Arduino Ethernet Shield (6:09)
Build Webserver using Ethernet Shield (24:45)
Send Data to Cloud using Arduino
Introduction ThingSpeak Cloud (3:10)
Setup a ThingSpeak Channel (4:03)
Send Data to ThingSpeak Server (22:02)
For Loops in Programming
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