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Learn German Language: German B1 Course [Advanced 1]
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0. Intro B1 (3:27)
1. Because-if sentence structure of the German Language (9:40)
1. Because-if sentence structure of the German Language
2. The if Clauses (Konjunktiv II) of the German Language (27:04)
2. The if Clauses (Konjunktiv II) of the German Language
3. Konjunktiv I (quotation claims) of the German Language (16:46)
3. Konjunktiv I (quotation claims) of the German Language
4. Konjunktiv Training (25:49)
4. Konjunktiv Training
5. All Times Overview of the German Language (46:23)
5. All Times Overview of the German Language
6. Konjunktiv Times Explanation of the German Language (9:07)
7. if Clauses (Konjunktiv II) Times of the German Language (33:02)
7. if Clauses (Konjunktiv II) Times of the German Language
8. Konjunktiv I Times of the German Language (12:31)
8. Konjunktiv I Times of the German Language
9. Cases-What are Cases and why they exist in the German Language (10:06)
9. Cases-What are Cases and why they exist in the German Language
10. All Cases Overview of the German Language (102:51)
10. All Cases Overview of the German Language
11. All Adjective Endings Overview of the German Language (31:55)
11. All Adjective Endings Overview of the German Language
12. N-Declination of the German Language (16:10)
12. N-Declination of the German Language
8. Konjunktiv I Times of the German Language
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