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JPA | Learn Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA & Hibernate Basics
Introduction to Spring Data JPA
Intrduction (2:50)
Install Java 17 On Windows (2:38)
Install Eclipse on windows (6:32)
Install Intellij on windows (3:19)
Introduction to Spring Boot
What is Spring Boot (6:35)
Postman (5:48)
Intoduction to Lombok (10:35)
Lombok Examples (24:17)
Rest Api with Spring (8:57)
Maven Dependencies and HTTP Converters (7:29)
RequestBody and Response Body (5:18)
Spring Data JPA
What is ORM (4:04)
Hibernate (4:17)
JPA and Spring Data JPA (13:59)
Creating Project To Examine Annotations (2:48)
Connecting To PostgreSQL Database (10:43)
Introduction to Docker (2:29)
Postgre install on Docker (6:13)
Installation of Postgres with Installer (4:06)
DBeaver (3:32)
Entity And Table Annotation (11:08)
Id and Column Annotations in JPA (8:47)
Timestamp in JPA (2:39)
Creating Api Controller and Service Class (5:13)
Database Operations with JPA Repository (6:08)
Crud Methods
Model Mapper (12:20)
Adding Entities (8:46)
Find All method in JPA repository (4:41)
FindById Method in JPA repository (3:39)
Save method in JPA repository For update (4:45)
Delete By Id (7:01)
Count and ExistById (5:16)
Query Methods
Query Method With Single Field name (5:10)
Query Methods (3:40)
Query Method with multiple fields (5:55)
Greater and Less methods (6:03)
In and Limit Usage (5:04)
Query Annotations (13:44)
Pagination and Sorting (10:23)
Relationships Between Entities (10:44)
Spring Data JPA with different databases. (14:00)
Spring Data JPA with different databases.
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