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JavaScript Beginner Bootcamp
JavaScript - The Basics
Variables (4:53)
Variables Lab (4:20)
Variables Cheat Sheet
String Whiteboard Lesson (5:40)
String Lab (5:45)
Strings Cheat Sheet
Operators Whiteboard (7:48)
Operators Lab (7:06)
Section Review (17:02)
Launch Your Career
Get Out of Tutorial Hell
Landing Your First Dev Job
Dealing with Time Management and Imposter Syndrome
What to Put in a Junior Developer Portfolio
JavaScript Essentials - Mini Apps
Kelvin to Fahrenheit
Kelvin to Farenheit Video Walkthrough (9:51)
Mini Project - Cat Years
Cat Years - Video Walkthrough (8:22)
JavaScript Objects
Objects - Whiteboard (4:43)
Objects - Lab (3:54)
Object Dot & Bracket Notation - Whiteboard (5:12)
Object Dot & Bracket Notation - Lab (4:40)
Object Constructor Function - Whiteboard (6:26)
Object Constructor Function - Lab (6:03)
The Secret Life of JavaScript Primitives (7:23)
JavaScript Arrays
JavaScript Array Syntax - Whiteboard (4:27)
JavaScript Array Syntax - Lab (4:15)
Array Methods - Whiteboard (5:17)
Array Methods - Lab (4:19)
Array Methods Part 2 - Whiteboard (5:23)
Array Methods Part 2 - Lab (6:54)
Array Review (12:39)
Array Mini App
Mini Project: Random Insult Generator
Random Insult Generator - Video Walkthrough (9:21)
Mini Project: Random Insult Generator Video Walkthrough
JavaScript Function
Function Syntax - Whiteboard (4:26)
Functions Part1 - Lab (3:46)
Functions Part2 - Whiteboard (5:29)
Functions Part2 - Lab (5:03)
Functions Part3 - Whiteboard (5:15)
Functions Part3 - Lab (7:02)
JavaScript Functions: Mini Apps
Bear, Human, Gun Game
Bear, Human, Gun Game - Video Walkthrough (18:25)
Bear, Human, Gun Game - Video Walkthrough - Step by Step (10:12)
Bear, Human, Gun - Code
Mini App: Calorie Calculator
Mini App: Calorie Calculator - Video Walkthrough (21:28)
Mini App: Calorie Calculator - Step by Step (7:50)
Calorie Calculator - Code
JavaScript Loops and Conditions
Loops Part1 - Whiteboard (7:54)
Loops Part1 - Lab (7:13)
Switch - Whiteboard (3:51)
Switch - Lab (7:36)
Loops Part2 - Whiteboard (7:37)
Loops - Part2 - Lab (7:11)
JavaScript Loops & Conditionals: Mini App
Magic 8 Ball (9:12)
Magic 8 Ball - Video Walkthrough
JavaScript Regular Expressions
Regex (8:48)
Regex Lab
Context: This, Bind, Call & Apply
This and Bind - Whiteboard (5:04)
This and Bind - Lab (5:59)
This and Call - Whiteboard (5:57)
This and Call - Lab (5:19)
Functional Programming
Functional Programming Part 1 - Whiteboard (9:03)
Functional Programming Part 1 - Lab (8:29)
Functional Programming Part 2- Whiteboard (7:26)
Functional Programming Part 2 - Lab (7:09)
Functional Programming Part 3 - Whiteboard (7:37)
Functional Programming Part 3 - Lab (8:17)
Whiteboard Algorithms
Identify Unique String (9:36)
Identify Longest Word in a String (8:22)
Permutation of Two Strings (9:34)
Let Statements - Whiteboard (5:29)
Let Statements Lab (7:57)
Const Declaration - Whiteboard and lab (3:08)
Arrow Functions - Whiteboard (5:25)
Arrow Function - Lab (6:13)
Spread Operator - Whiteboard (6:15)
Spread Operator - Lab (6:28)
More Algorithm Challenges
Environment Setup
Repeat String with For Loop (8:00)
Remove Odd Numers from Array Filter Method (5:37)
Palindrome (8:51)
Sum of Range (6:45)
Repeat String with While Loop (5:53)
Remove Elements from Head (7:57)
Name Swap Indices (8:44)
Remove Odd Number from Array with Modulus Operator and For Loops (8:45)
Reverse a String (11:57)
Reverse-a-String-Part-2 (1:43)
Reverse-a-String-Part-3 (5:31)
Reverse-a-String-Part-4 (5:31)
Find-Longest-String-Part-1 (12:05)
Find the Longest String Part 2 (8:27)
Filter String Array (12:00)
Is-Palindrom (11:57)
Introduction to the DOM
Introduction-to-the-DOM (7:51)
DOM-Tree-Nodes (6:07)
Todo App
Todo-List-Project-Overview (4:42)
Todo-List Document.querySelector()-Document.getElementById() (8:37)
Todo-List Changing-the-DOM-with-textContent (6:11)
Todo-List More-DOM-Methods-and-Properties (10:07)
Todo-List Working-with-Forms (6:25)
Todo-List User-Interactions-and-Event-Listeners (4:10)
Todo-App-Without-Local-Storage (13:41)
Todo-App Local-Storage (6:10)
Todo-App-With-Local-Storage (13:38)
CSS (3:09)
How-to-Share-Code (2:23)
Matching Game
Matching-Intro (6:14)
Matching-Part-1 (9:41)
Matching-Part-2 (2:27)
Matching-Part-3 (2:07)
Matching-Part-4 (4:19)
Matching-Part-5 (2:33)
Match-Part-6 (8:15)
Matching-Part-7 (3:35)
Matching-Part-8 (2:18)
Matching-Part-9 (5:13)
Quote Machine
Quote Machine Intro
Quote-Machine-HTML-CSS-Video-Walkthrough (13:30)
Quote Machine Javascript
Quote-Machine-JavaScript-Video-Walkthrough (16:20)
Quote-Machine-Deploy (1:37)
HTML & CSS Primer
Website-Overview (1:50)
Website-Text-Editor (2:35)
HTML-Intro (6:14)
HTML-Elements-and-Tags (6:56)
HTML-About (3:45)
HTML-Services (8:42)
HTML-Comments-and-Structure (7:06)
HTML-Header (6:01)
HTML-Hero (4:28)
HTML-Testimonal (6:40)
HTML-Footer (4:09)
CSS-Intro (5:32)
CSS-Header (9:34)
CSS-Footer (2:46)
CSS-Services (2:47)
CSS-Hero (5:14)
CSS-Internal-Navigation (4:04)
CSS-About-and-Testimonial (3:03)
Front End Cookbook
CSS-Animations-Video-Walkthrough (15:39)
CSS-Animations-Challenge-Video-Walkthrough (15:02)
CSS-Transitions-Video-Walkthrough (9:22)
CSS-Transitions-Challenge-Video-Walkthrough (9:27)
JS-Debugger-Part3 (4:49)
JS-Debugging-Part1 (6:06)
JS-Debuggin-Part2 (5:02)
JS-Moment-Basics (8:32)
JS-Moment-Christmas-Countdown (11:46)
React-From-Scratch (12:09)
Challege-Using-JSX (8:49)
Code-Refactor (3:01)
Rendering-One-Element (3:54)
React-Babel (7:07)
React-Rendering-Multiple-Elements (4:20)
Creating-Stateless-Functional-Components (7:04)
Stateless-Functional-Components-Practice (4:17)
Creating-Class-Components (6:16)
Class-Components-Practice (3:27)
Styling-Stateless-Functional-Components (8:04)
Styling-Class-Componets (8:36)
Styling-Within-Component (9:29)
Complex-Components (6:10)
Setting-Up-Project (6:11)
Building-Our-Components (3:50)
Styling-Our-Components-Part1 (6:39)
Styling-Our-Components-Part2 (5:30)
Props-Part1 (7:10)
Props-Part2 (5:51)
Props-Part3 (7:48)
Codepen-Challenge1 (3:36)
Codepen-Challenge2 (2:30)
Codepen-Challege3 (5:25)
Codepen-Challenge4 (3:17)
Props-Project (10:05)
Iterating-Through-Lists (10:10)
Iterating-Through-Lists-Refactor (1:59)
Rendering-Two-Filtered-and-Transformed-Lists-to-the-DOM (7:15)
Filter-and-Map-On-Array (4:20)
Codepen-Challenge-Part1 (4:32)
Codepen-Challenge-Part2 (4:20)
Color-Spectrum-Refactor (6:55)
Friendly-App-Refactor-with-Map (7:16)
Friendly-Filter-and-Map-Two-Lists-DOM (6:54)
React-Events-Part2 (8:35)
Useless-Note-Taker-Introduction-to-Events (10:14)
Guess-My-Age-Intro-to-State (13:36)
Food-Menu-Vote (13:50)
React-Ajax-Requests (18:45)
React-Forms (10:52)
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