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Java Programming: Learn Core Java and Improve Java Skills
What We Will Learn In This Java Course? (2:51)
Environment Setup
Getting Started With Java? ( JDK, JRE and JVM ) (4:54)
Installing Java on Windows (8:19)
Installing Java on Linux (4:27)
Installing Java on Mac (5:29)
Development Environment
What is IDE? (2:15)
Download and Run Eclipse (7:16)
First Java Program - Hello World (4:42)
Compiling and Running Applications (0:55)
Closer Look at the First Java Program (1:48)
Basics of Java Syntax
What Are Variables? (10:20)
Closer Look at the Java (3:10)
Basic Output (13:24)
Basic Input (5:01)
Comments (10:32)
Data Types (8:30)
Hexadecimal Octal and Binary Data Types (16:32)
Type Conversion & Type Casting (5:41)
Stack & Heap (1:38)
Arrays (7:35)
Arithmetic Operators (5:05)
Assignment Operators (5:42)
Unary Operators (5:33)
Equality and Relational Operators (4:37)
Conditional Operators (4:55)
Bitwise and Bitshift Operators (23:14)
Char Data Type (13:56)
Expressions, Statements and Blocks (3:00)
Operator Precedence (4:13)
Introduction to Arrays (19:22)
Sorting Arrays (11:55)
Searching Arrays (12:59)
Multi-dimensional Arrays (21:02)
Control Flow Statements
If, If-Else Statement (5:34)
If-Else - If Ladder Statement, Nested If Statement (10:13)
Switch-Case Statement (7:04)
Project 1: Calculator (8:29)
For Loops (6:44)
For-Each Loop (6:12)
While Loop (12:51)
Infinite Loop (17:28)
Do - While Loop (16:16)
Break Keyword (4:45)
Continue Keyword (2:37)
Return Keyword (3:09)
Labeled Loops (10:46)
Project 2: Fibonacci Series (7:18)
Methods ( Functions )
What is Method? (3:42)
Method Calling (1:14)
Types of Methods & Method Return Types (9:07)
Java Var-Args (17:17)
Method Overloading (3:36)
Project 3: Find Exponential Number (5:30)
Java Object Oriented Concept
Object & Class (6:01)
Stack & Heap (7:48)
Access Modifiers (13:41)
Naming Conventions (2:20)
Constructors (21:16)
Packages (23:37)
Constructors (10:31)
Packages (11:39)
“Static” Keyword (8:38)
Static import (13:12)
Nested & Inner Classes (16:09)
Local inner classes (12:47)
Object Oriented Programming
Section Overview (1:11)
Inheritance (23:08)
Sealed Class (9:47)
Method Overriding (7:43)
“Super” and “This” Keywords (8:28)
“Final” Keyword (7:26)
Abstract Classes (10:05)
Interfaces (13:16)
Polymorphism (7:16)
Encapsulation (9:03)
Anonymous Class (10:43)
Wrapper Classes, Auto-Boxing and Unboxing
What is Wrapper Class in Java? (1:35)
Conversion of Types (1:52)
Autoboxing - UnBoxing (4:15)
Section Overview (1:10)
What is String? (14:19)
Equality of Strings (29:22)
Immutability of Strings (9:12)
Useful Methods of String - Part 1 (13:34)
Useful Methods of String - Part 2 (17:05)
Why String is Immutable? (1:37)
StringBuffer Class (5:35)
StringBuilder Class (3:30)
String vs String Buffer vs String Builder (1:43)
Project 4: Reverse String (3:55)
Introduction to Collections (10:44)
Section Overview (1:08)
List Interface (13:23)
ArrayList Class (17:17)
Conversion Between Lists and Arrays (17:06)
Sorting Array List (13:22)
Comparator (11:57)
Searching ArrayList (8:51)
Itrator and ListIterator (15:41)
Set Interface - Part 1 (13:41)
Set Interface - Part 2 (13:03)
Queue (12:54)
Deque (8:13)
Map Interface - Part 1 (11:55)
Map Interface - Part 2 (12:28)
Exception Handling
Intro to Exception (2:01)
What Is The Difference Between Error and Exception? (3:15)
Exception Types (2:43)
Try – Catch Block (1:58)
Finally Block (12:34)
Differences Between "Throw" and "Throws" (1:00)
Throws Keyword (5:39)
Exception Methods (6:41)
Project 5: Bank Account Balance (14:40)
Java Desktop Application Design (Swing)
Introduction to Java Swing (2:25)
Throw Keyword (4:44)
Swing Containers, Labels, Text Fields and Buttons (2:30)
Layouts (7:19)
Project 6: Login Form in Swing (16:56)
Enum Types
Enum Types (8:47)
Project 7: Traffic Lights Program With Enum (6:59)
Lambda Expression
Marker and Functional Interfaces (3:20)
Section Overview (0:42)
Lambda Expression (9:58)
Predicate (15:13)
Project 8: Calculator app with Lambda (10:34)
Section Overview (0:45)
Calendar Class (20:45)
Local Date Class (16:24)
Local Time Class (11:35)
Local Date Time Class (11:44)
Period Class (9:30)
Date Time Formatting (16:28)
Java I/O
Introduction to Java I/O (4:35)
Section Overview (1:07)
OutputStream Class (18:49)
InputStream Class - Part 1 (8:06)
InputStream Class - Part 2 (16:18)
Writer Class (13:38)
Reader Class (21:19)
Project 9: Copying a file with Java I/O (9:51)
Object Serialization and Deserialization (19:17)
transient keyword (10:35)
What We Have Learned ?
What We Have Learned ? (6:51)
Labeled Loops
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