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iOS 10 Swift 3 hands on features - Siri Kit , Messages , ...
iMessage app extension: Stickers
Download the source codes here
01 About iOS 10 Stickers
01 Build your own stickers app in no time with iOS 10
02 the iOS developer license
03 Download and install xcode 8 beta
04 Stickers specifications
05 Taking sticker app screenshots
06 Create itunes conenct app settings
07 submit the build to itunes connect
08 submit your app to itunes for review
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SiriKit - Voice Command for your apps
z01 iOS 10 Create a SiriKit project
z02 Testing Sirikit in iPhone and debugging commands
z03 Building your own Siri Kit Vocabulary list
Speech Recognition
s01 Create a Swift project and setup user interface
s02 Programming the speech recognition code
s03 Testing Speech Recognition on physical iPhone device
s04 Programming the live audio recording setup
s05 Coding the live audio recording logic
s06 Testing Speech recognition on live recording
iTunes app Ranking - ASO (App Store Optimization) techniques
iOS 10 App Store Optimization advantages - technical ASO
a01 Locating where to add spotlight search code
a02 Add CoreSpotlightContinution entry to preference file
a03 Core Spotlight framework initial setup
a04 Programming adding spotlight results
a05 Testing adding Spotlight activities in the iPhone home
a06 Launching the correct app view controller after tapping spotlight result
a07 Indexing your app contet publicly for app store ranking
Swift 3 changes from Swift 2.3
b01 Swift 3 Changes to core graphics
b02 Swift 3 Strings
b03 Swift 3 arrays and colors
b04 Swift 3 loops and iterations changes
Custom Message app extensions
m01 Create your Messages App Extension project and test it
m02 Setting up messages app extension icons
m03 ioS 10 app extension life cycle
m04 Creating text messages within the Messages app extension
m05 Building complex message layouts - iOS 10
a01 Locating where to add spotlight search code
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