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Ionic: From Web to Mobile
What are Hybrid Mobile Applications?
Why Ionic?
How to get the best out of this course
Ionic Playground
Getting help?
OPTIONAL: How to use develop with the Chrome browser
OPTIONAL: What IDE am I using in this course?
Installing Dependancies
iOS - Create your Apple developer account
Setup for iOS development
Android - Setup your Google Play Account
Setup for Android development on Mac
Setup for Android development on Windows
Ionic Overview
Creating projects using the Ionic CLI
Running Ionic in the Browser
Important! iOS9 Breaking Changes
iOS: Creating developer certificates and setting up XCode
Running Ionc in IOS Emulator & Device
Debug your iOS apps with the Safari Developer Tools
Running Ionic on Android Devices
Setting up the Genymotion Android Emulator
Debug your android apps with Chrome
How to find completed code
AngularJS Review
Data Binding
Modules & Controllers
CORRECTION: Debugging AngularJS Applications
Debugging Angular Applications
Scope inheritance and the dot notation
ng-click & ng-submit
ng-show, ng-hide, ng-if
ng-repeat & filters
Dependancy Injection & Services
The $http service and promises with the $q service
Digest, Apply & handling callbacks from outside Angular
The 8 Ball App
Setup instructions
Building the application
Adding animation effects
Previewing your application on the IonicView App
Limitations of the IonicView App
The Soundboard App
Setup instructions
Styling ionic apps using the default colors
Building our ionic list based application
Using the cordova media plugin
Ionic list re-order and delete components
The CaffeineHit List App
Setup instructions
Breaking out our app into multiple javascript files
Understanding the starter project code
Implementing the YelpService
Implementing pull to refresh with the ion-refresher component
Implementing infinite scroll with the ion-infinite-scroll component
Implementing swipe reveal buttons with the ion-option-button component
Using the cordova geolocation plugin to get the users lat and lon
Using the navigator plugin to show directions on the apple or google maps app
The CaffeineHit Map App
Setup instructions
Understanding the starter project code
Using SASS to theme your Ionic application
Implementing maps and map markers
Implementing popup info windows on maps
Setup instructions
Understanding the starter project code
Introduction to uiRouter and implementing the apps routes
Show a loading spinner with the ionicLoading component
Navigating between routes in Ionic and the back button.
Implementing the detail page and $stateParams
Changing the title in the header bar
Using the InAppBrowser plugin to open up links in the default browser app
Using the SocialSharing plugin to share links to social networks
The Mealtracker App
Setup instructions
Understanding the starter project code
CORRECTION: ng-messages-include and angular1.4
Forms and form validation in Ionic
Setting up
Implementing authentication via Parse
Understanding and implementing the tabbed navigation component in Ionic
Interacting with the ion-header bar by using the ion-nav-buttons directive
Using the Camera plugin to take a photo
Creating objects in the Parse database
Querying objects from the Parse database
Implementing the settings tab
The TVChat App
Setup instructions
Setup Firebase and Facebook accounts
Extra: Required settings for your Facebook App
Structuring data in Firebase and the Javascript API
Implementing basic security rules in Firebase
Authenticating a user with both Facebook and Firebase
Implementing the side menu component
Implementing real-time chat with Firebase
Favoriting chat rooms so they appear in the side menu
Advanced Ionic Concepts
View Caching In Ionic
Ionic Platform
Connecting your app to
Setting up the Ionic Web Client
Setting up the Ionic User Service
What is Ionic Deploy?
Setting up the Ionic Deploy Service
Ionic Analytics
Setting up the Ionic Push Service
Sending push notifications
Releasing an Application
Preparing your config.xml for release
iOS - IMPORTANT iOS9 Patch for Ionic Apps
Generating Icons and Splash screen images
Generating screenshots for use in the Apple Appstore and Google Play Store
Creating a release version of your Android application
Releasing your Android application to the Google Play Store
Releasing your iOS application to the Apple App Strore
Setup Ionic Push in Production for your iOS Application
Setup Ionic Push in Production for your Android Application
ng-click & ng-submit
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