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How to Make a Freaking iPhone App - iOS 10 and Swift 3
1 - Welcome and Download Xcode (2:23)
2 - About Me and the Course (4:24)
3 - Installing Xcode (2:25)
The Fundamentals
1 - Intro Fundamentals (3:25)
2 - Constants and Varibles (7:13)
Variables and Constants Exercise
3 - Strings and Ints (3:37)
Strings and Ints Exercise
Swift Cheat Sheet
4 - Labels (10:12)
5 - Outlets (7:48)
6 - Common Errors (4:12)
7 - Buttons (6:19)
Buttons Exercise
8 - Print and Comments (7:31)
9 - If Statements (7:36)
If Statements Exercise
10 - If and Xcode (4:29)
11 - Outro Fundamentals (0:46)
Git and GitHub
1 - Intro Git (1:24)
2 - Get With The Git (9:25)
3 - GitHub (4:34)
4 - Math and Double (6:09)
5 - Textfields (8:27)
6 - String Interpolation (10:14)
7 - Booleans (7:25)
8 - Add or Subtract (5:29)
9 - Outro Git (1:11)
TableViews - Emoji Dictionary
1 - Intro TableView (2:55)
2 - Arrays (5:53)
3 - Arrays Part 2 (4:16)
4 - Sketch (6:26)
5 - TableViews (7:55)
6 - TableView DataSource and Delegate (7:38)
7 - Arrays and TableViews (6:39)
8 - The 2nd ViewController (5:56)
9 - Segues (6:42)
10 - Prepare for Segue (7:17)
11 - Pass Da Emoji (6:45)
12 - Definition (5:46)
13 - Outro TableView (1:39)
Making Money with iOS
1 - Intro Money (1:25)
2 - Working for a company (4:37)
3 - Freelanceer (8:54)
4 - your own app (4:57)
5 - Recc (3:04)
6 - Functions (8:34)
7 - Return (8:58)
8 - Classes (10:35)
9 - Methods (5:20)
10 - Emoji Features (6:03)
11 - Emoji Class (10:34)
12 - Why Classes are Cool (6:56)
13 - Outro Money (0:55)
CoreData - DoIt ToDo List
1 - Intro CoreData (0:55)
2 - Sketch CoreData (4:03)
3 - TableView (6:25)
4 - Task Class (7:46)
5 - Segue (7:15)
6 - Setting things up (6:48)
7 - Creating Tasks (10:36)
8 - Cleaning Up (3:23)
9 - Optionals (8:22)
10 - Advanced Optionals (6:50)
11 - Deleting Task (11:53)
12 - CoreData Entities (8:47)
13 - Saving in CoreData (7:48)
14 - Fetch Request (7:15)
15 - Deleting (8:33)
16 - Outro CoreData (1:02)
Camera - Game Collector
1 - Intro Camera (1:39)
2 - Sketch Camera (5:46)
3 - Bar Button Items (10:30)
4 - ImageViews (8:06)
5 - Dictionaries (7:14)
6 - Dictioanries 2 (4:13)
7 - ImagePIckerController (9:42)
8 - UIImage (5:50)
9 - CoreData Again (8:14)
10 - List the games (10:27)
11 - Update (11:34)
12 - Delete (6:42)
13 - Camera (4:53)
14 - Outro Camera (1:26)
Microphone - Soundboard
1 - Intro Microphone (1:06)
2 - Sketch Microphone (3:55)
3 - Setting up the UI (7:12)
4 - The Great Programming Myth (9:56)
5 - Error Handling (5:17)
6 - AVAudioRecorder (9:15)
7 - Recording (6:31)
8 - Playing Audio (6:11)
9 - Save a Sound (6:18)
10 - Show the Sounds (7:52)
11 - Swipe to Delete (4:22)
12 - Outro Microphone (1:52)
Firebase - Snapchat Clone
1 - Intro Firebase (1:37)
2 - Sketch Firebase (4:39)
3 - CocoaPods (11:48)
4 - Sign In Design (6:03)
5 - Sign In Code (9:43)
6 - Create User (11:38)
7 - Camera Design (7:19)
8 - Add Image (7:22)
9 - Firebase Storage (12:40)
10 - Smaller Image (9:33)
11 - Firebase Database (10:42)
12 - Pulling Data (11:21)
13 - Adding Snaps (10:47)
14 - Snaps are ready (7:22)
15 - Snaps in a List (8:52)
16 - View the snap (9:41)
17 - Downloading Images (5:20)
18 - Firebase Delete (8:30)
19 - Remove from TableView (8:18)
20 - Delete from Stroage (7:12)
21 - Make it shine (8:01)
22 - Outro Firebase (1:09)
What's New in iOS 10
1 - Intro (0:28)
2 - Stickers (8:55)
3 - Animated Stickers (2:08)
4 - The Queen of Thailand (6:02)
5 - Sirikit Setup (10:19)
6 - Intents (6:35)
7 - Recipients (6:54)
8 - Sending the Message (7:55)
9 - Outro (0:30)
Maps - Pokemon Go
1 - Intro Maps (0:48)
2 - Sketch Maps (4:30)
3 - MapView (6:08)
4 - Getting the User's Location (7:47)
5 - Zoom in to Region (8:20)
6 - Recenter (8:41)
7 - Poke Spawn (15:00)
8 - Pokedex (6:50)
9 - CoreData Helper (8:56)
10 - Get All Pokemon (9:35)
11 - Caught and Uncaught (7:50)
12 - TableView Sections (10:02)
13 - Add Images to a MapView (8:18)
14 - Random Pokemon (10:12)
15 - Catch or NAH (9:20)
16 - Catching Pokemon (6:39)
17 - Alert Controllers (10:04)
19 - Outro (1:16)
18 - Polish (4:51)
13 - Outro Money
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