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Git by Example
What is version control?
What is version control? (3:43)
We will be learning Git (2:53)
Markdown and the file (4:32)
What is the .gitignore file? (4:21)
The structure of a repository (4:20)
Basics of the terminal
What is the terminal? (3:15)
Moving around the file system using the terminal (5:32)
Moving and copying files with the terminal (4:05)
Displaying and replacing file contents (3:05)
Basics of VIM - a very powerful text editor! (2:02)
Inserting text in VIM (2:55)
Basics of Git
Configuring Git (1:40)
Initialising a Git repository: git init (1:33)
Initialising a Git repository (terminal video) (1:59)
Adding files to the staging area: git add (4:31)
Adding files to the staging area (terminal video) (3:18)
Committing files to the local repository: git commit (4:02)
Committing files to the local repository (terminal video) (7:13)
Writing appropriate commit messages: this is vital if working in teams! (5:33)
Adding a remote to your repository (4:25)
Pushing and pulling to and from the remote repository (3:48)
Pushing and pulling (terminal video) (7:10)
Branches and workflows
What is a branch? (4:47)
Creating branches in Git (4:39)
Creating branches (terminal video) (5:07)
Pushing branches to origin (1:53)
Bringing in branches from origin (6:09)
Deleting local and remote branches (5:13)
Merging branches: presentation (5:32)
Merging branches (terminal video) (4:01)
Reverting changes: git revert and git reset (6:47)
Reverting changes (terminal video) (8:44)
What is the "Gitflow" workflow? (8:44)
Gitflow and SourceTree
Using SourceTree to initialise a git-flow repository (3:56)
Creating our first Gitflow feature (6:43)
Finishing (and publishing) our first feature (4:33)
Stashing changes with SourceTree (6:33)
Adding remotes in SourceTree (2:39)
Cloning a remote repository in SourceTree (4:23)
Committing files to the local repository (terminal video)
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