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Foundation in Emotional Intelligence
Introduction to the Foundation Course
1. Introduction to this Foundation in Emotional Intelligence Course (2:18)
2. Foundation in Emotional Intelligence - Learning Outcomes (2:00)
3. Emotional Intelligence FAQs
4. Assess your Emotional Intelligence
What is Emotional Intelligence?
1. A Straightforward Definition of Emotional Intelligence (3:56)
2. What is the Difference Between EI and EQ? (3:33)
3. The Thoughts of Dr. David Caruso from Yale University (3:00)
4. Emotional Intelligence at Work (6:05)
5. Insights into Emotions (2:07)
6. How the Emotional Climate Influences Teams and Teamworking (3:55)
7. Working with the Emotional Climate (3:05)
8. Some Advantages and Disadvantages of Emotional Intelligence (4:49)
Emotions and the Intelligence in Emotions
1. How the View of Emotions has Changed (1:10)
2. The Development and Function of Emotion (2:25)
3. One Minute Observation Test (1:00)
4. The Basic Anatomy of the Brain (5:48)
5. The Three Human Brains (2:57)
6. Emotions and Higher-Order State (2:15)
7. The Basic Human Emotions Experienced by Everyone (3:17)
8. Posters - The Basic Human Emotions
9. More About Basic Emotions (1:17)
10. The Wheel of Emotions (1:51)
11. The Expression of Emotion (4:52)
12. The Myth about Positive and Negative Emotions (7:05)
13. Understanding and Using Emotions (3:31)
14. Identifying Emotion and Working to Understand Emotion (2:31)
What can be Learnt and Applied from Understanding Emotional Intelligence Models
1. Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence Framework (4:30)
2. Emotional Intelligence as a Series of Abilities (1:14)
3. More about Emotional Intelligence as a Set of Abilities (2:10)
4. What we can Learn from the Six Seconds Model (2:00)
5. Measuring and Assessing Emotional Intelligence (6:26)
Developing your Emotional Intelligence
1. Becoming More Emotionally Intelligent (1:15)
2. Practising Emotional Intelligence (5:43)
3. The One Percent Solution and One Minute Levers (2:20)
4. Some Do's and Don'ts When Developing Emotional Intelligence (2:31)
5. Foundation in Emotional Intelligence - Course Review (2:04)
6. Practical Activity: Three Good Things
7. Lightbulb Moments Resource Cards - Insights into Emotional Intelligence
8. Lightbulb Moments Resource Cards - Comprehending Emotions
9. Conclusion to the Course (1:08)
4. Emotional Intelligence at Work
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