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Complete Electricity for Electronics, Electrical Engineering
Introduction and Circuit Variables
Introduction and Course Objectives (1:16)
Basic Units in SI system (2:06)
Derived SI units (3:54)
Prefixes for Powers of 10 (2:53)
Definition of Voltage (2:14)
Definition of Current (2:00)
The Ideal Basic Circuit Element (5:27)
Passive Sign Convention (2:33)
Electric Power & Energy (1:57)
The Power Equation (2:05)
The Algebraic Sign of Power (4:23)
EXAMPLE - Algebraic Sign of Power (3:37)
Circuit Elements
Introduction and Objectives of this Section (2:18)
Voltage and Current Sources (4:25)
Independent and Dependent Sources (2:46)
Circuit Symbols for Dependent Sources (6:48)
Electric Resistance (5:16)
Ohm's Law (4:37)
Power Dissipated in a Resistor (4:06)
EXAMPLE of Power Calculations (13:48)
What exactly are Electric Circuits (1:59)
What is Circuit Analysis (1:47)
Branches (3:00)
Nodes (5:02)
Reference Node or Datum Node (3:51)
EXAMPLE - Reference Node (8:32)
Loops and Meshes (7:18)
Series and Parallel Connections (4:33)
Example of Series and Parallel (2:55)
EXAMPLE (8:06)
Kirchoff's Laws - Introduction (0:52)
Kirchoff's Current Law (KCL) (1:45)
EXAMPLE - KCL (8:14)
Other forms of KCL (2:42)
Kirchoff's Voltage Law (KVL) (2:52)
EXAMPLE of KVL (11:08)
Other forms of KVL (5:21)
EXAMPLE - Using Ohms and Kirchoff's Laws to Solve Circuits (19:44)
Circuits Containing Dependent Sources (10:14)
EXAMPLE 2 - Circuits Containing Dependent Sources (12:27)
Resistive Circuits
Resistors in Series (10:26)
Resistors in Parallel (12:37)
EXAMPLE of Series and Parallel Resistors (15:04)
Voltage Divider Circuit (7:37)
Voltage Divider - Effect of Load and Tolerance (5:05)
EXAMPLE - Resistance Tolerances in Voltage Dividers (7:36)
Voltage and Current Sources
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