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An Easy Introduction to Recommendation Systems
Would You Recommend To A Friend?
You, This Course, and Us! (1:38)
What do Amazon and Netflix have in common? (16:43)
Recommendation Engines - A look inside (10:45)
What are you made of? - Content-Based Filtering (13:35)
With a little help from friends - Collaborative Filtering (10:26)
A Neighbourhood Model for Collaborative Filtering (17:51)
Top Picks for You! - Recommendations with Neighbourhood Models (9:42)
Discover the Underlying Truth - Latent Factor Collaborative Filtering (20:13)
Latent Factor Collaborative Filtering contd. (12:09)
Gray Sheep and Shillings - Challenges with Collaborative Filtering (8:12)
The Apriori Algorithm for Association Rules (18:31)
Recommendation Systems in Python
Installing Python - Anaconda and Pip (9:00)
Back to Basics : Numpy in Python (18:06)
Back to Basics : Numpy and Scipy in Python (14:19)
Movielens and Pandas (16:45)
Code Along - What's my favorite movie? - Data Analysis with Pandas (6:18)
Code Along - Movie Recommendation with Nearest Neighbour CF (18:10)
Code Along - Top Movie Picks (Nearest Neighbour CF) (6:16)
Code Along - Movie Recommendations with Matrix Factorization (17:55)
Code Along - Association Rules with the Apriori Algorithm (9:51)
Recommendation Engines - A look inside
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