How to stop your puppy from chewing your furniture and best items

The main reason puppies chew objects is to help sooth and loosen the gums around their teeth which allows the 'baby' teeth to fall out and the new teeth to come through. Different textures offer interesting sensations which makes it even more appealing and of course dogs have no sense of how much an object costs, they are only interested in how it feels in their mouths! Puppies can also chew when they are curious, excited, bored or anxious.

During this video you'll learn:

  • How to get your puppy to chew what you want rather than what you don't want!
  • How to redirect your puppy's chewing using toys etc.
  • What to do if you catch your puppy chewing something you don't want without shouting or making the item even more attractive to your puppy!
  • And much more...

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