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DevOps Tutorial: Complete Beginners Training - 5 in 1 Bundle
Introduction to DevOps
Devops Introductory Video
What is Devops?
Why Devops
Where DevOps is Useful - Who use DevOps?
DevOps in Business
Docker Guide
Docker Conteners
Use of Docker
Virtualization vs Docker
Benefits of Docker
CHAPTER 3:Docker Architecture
Docker Architecture
Docker Engine
CHAPTER 4:Docker Installation
Docker Installation
Provisioning Part #2
Docker Cluster
Swarm Overview
Swarm Prerequisites
Create Swarm
Adding nodes to the swam
Swarm deploy Inspect Scale
Swarm Delete service
Swarm Drain
Introduction to Jenkins
Jenkins Introduction
Build Cycle
Java GIT Installations
Obtaining and installing Jenkins
Automated Testing
Automated Testing Jenkins Installation on Windows
Automation Testing Eclipse kepler Installing
Automated Testing TestNG Installation
Automated Testing Selenium
Automation Testing Creating Java Project
Automated Creating and Testing Java Program
Automation Testing Running TestNG XML
Automation Testing Creating Testing XML
Automation Testing Creating Batch Script
Automation Testing Configuring Jenkins Job
Version Control System Overview
GIT Installation
GIT Workflow
GIT Multiple Version of File
GIT Soft & Hard Reset for Commited Code
Git Remote Repository
Git Clone
Git Understanding Merge Conflict
GIT Branching Strategy - Part1
GIT Branching Strategy - Part 2
Introduction of Vagrant
Provisioning and Buliding VM with Vagrant
CHAPTER 12:Maven
Introduction to Maven
Setup Jenkins Server for Maven Project #2
CHAPTER 13:Ansible
Overview of Ansible
Install Ansible Using Yum
Installing Ansible Using Python PIP
DevOps in Business
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