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Data Visualization on the Browser with Python and Bokeh
Getting Started
Course Introduction
What is Bokeh?
Bokeh and Bokeh Server
Creating Your First Bokeh Plot
Exercise: Plotting Triangle and Circle Glyphs
Exercise Solution
Using Bokeh with Pandas
Exercise: Plotting Education Data
Exercise Solution
Bug with the show() Method
Using the Bokeh Documentation
Customizing Bokeh Graphs
Section Introduction
Creating an Initial Plot
Figure Background
List of Colors
List of Text Fonts
Axes: Custom Styling
Axes: Custom Geometry
Axes: Categorical Data
Legend: Configuring
Legend: Styling
Popup Windows
Exercise: Section Summary
Advanced Plotting
Section Introduction
Column Data Source
Exercise: Plotting Elements of the Periodic Table
Popup Windows with Custom HTML
Exercise: Gridplots
Annotations: Spans and Boxes
Exercise: Span Annotations
Annotations: Labels and LabelSets
Exercise: Labels in Spans
Bokeh Server: Interactive Plots and Widgets
Section Introduction
Widgets in Static Bokeh Graphs
Widgets in Interactive Bokeh Server Apps
Select Widgets: Changing Labels Dynamically
Exercise: Select Widgets: Drawing Spans Dynamically
Exercise Tips
RadioButtonGroup Widgets: Changing Labels Dynamically
Slider Widgets: Filtering Glyphs, Part 1
Slider Widgets: Filtering Glyphs, Part 2
Bokeh Server: Streaming Real Time Data
Section Introduction
Streaming Random Points and Lines
Streaming Financial Data - Designing the App
Streaming Financial Data- the Webscraping Part
Streaming Financial Data - Plotting
Streaming Timeseries Data
User Interaction Between Real-time Plots and Widgets
Exampole: Visualizing Spinning Planets
Embedding Bokeh Plots in Websites
Introduction to Flask
Embedding Static Bokeh Plots in Flask
Embedding Bokeh Server Plots in Flask
Embedding Static Bokeh Plots in Django: Setting up a Django App
Embedding Static Bokeh Plots in Django: Embedding the Plot
Deploying Bokeh Data Visualization Apps in Live Servers
Deployment Options
Deploying Static Bokeh Plots
Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask: Setting up the VPS
Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask: Installing the Software
Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask: Configuration Files
Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask: Uploading Files
Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask: Editing Server Files
Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask: Starting the Service
Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask: Troubleshooting
Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps as Standalone
Closing Lecture
Axes: Categorical Data
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